Chapter fifty

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Edward sat on his favorite chair in his palace with his eyes closed. A blue light of fire enveloped him like a shield and his eyes were closed. Veins popped out on his face and his hands that were tightly clenching onto the chair arms. He seemed to be unconscious but he was showing out expression of being in pain. After a long time, he gasped and snapped his eyes open and the fire light vanished immediately.
He panted, his eyes a blue fire for a while before slowly dimming down to midnight blue. He closed his eyes once more with a shallow pant and placed his head on the headrest. After some minutes, he sat up on the chair and opened his eyes and then he tried summoning his nightwalker’s powers. His eyes flickered between red and blue continuously until blood sipped from his nose and he grunted in pain and shut his eyes, his clenched fist giving away and he fell weakly from his chair onto the floor. “I need more energy,” he whispered in pants.
His tired eyes glanced around him, “energy, I need more, a lot more,” he sniffled and sat up from the floor. Sitting on the foot of his chair, he wiped away the blood and placed his hand on his nose, healing himself instantly. He touched his neck, right where Aliyah’s mark was and closed his eyes. He couldn’t understand, he had left her room early yesterday’s morning before she could wake up and up until now, he hasn’t felt her need him. Is she angry with him for leaving?
But that is not a problem, he will find a way to appease her but right now, he needs to gain back his true self. He knows he would be to his highest potential once he awakens the dead part of him but the energy in his fire is not yet strong enough. Moreover, he can’t tell if it’s that the energy wasn’t enough or if the demon fire just doesn’t want another strong power inside him. But that is not a problem, once he acclaims the power, he was sure he can be able to merge them, he can be able to unite them after all, they have both been inside him for hundreds of years before.
He placed his head on the chair with his eyes closed, ready to take a little nap and regain his strength but a squeaky sound made him sit up. He sat still, waiting to know if he could hear it again but it didn’t come. He tried to relax and let it go, however, he could feel it that there was something with him, or someone. He got up from the floor and followed his instinct, going straight to the kitchen. He paused with his hand on the handle and listened. There was no sound coming from there but he can feel a sign of energy and so he opened the door only to receive the shock of his life.
Aliyah was in the kitchen, going through the refrigerator and she turned in shock to see him and laughed soon after. “Oh my goodness, you scared me,” she chuckled and closed the fridge door, walking up to him with a sausage in the hand which she finished before getting close to him.
“Weren’t you supposed to cook that?” Edward asked.
“Sometimes I like the salty uncooked taste,” she shrugged.
“I see. What are you doing here?” Edward asked, his eyes not leaving her for one second.
“I came to see you, of course. Besides, this is my house, my home, I can come back whenever I want.”
“Hmm,” Edward smiled, “that’s true. Where is Asher?”
“Sleeping in his carrier,” she pointed at the island where there is a baby carrier and indeed, Asher was sleeping inside.
“Where is Rasmus and Irene, shouldn’t they have come back with you?”
“They will be back soon. Irene had a vision about my pack and so they stayed back to help my father handle it. To protect me, they sent me back, knowing I would be protected staying by your side.”
Nodding, Edward closed the distance between them. “You know what I don’t understand?”
“What?” She asked, smiling up to him.
“Why I can’t see your wolf,” he smiled and watched as fear flashed in her eyes for a second. “And you know what else? Why I can suddenly see it now after just mentioning it.”
“Edward…” she called but his hand was on her neck already, “what are you doing?” she asked, horrified.
“Another question, how come I am strangling you but I can’t feel the pain like I always do?”
“Edward, you must be out of your mind, are you insane? Let go of me!”
“I will ask only once, who are you?”
“I’m Aliyah, your mate.”
“Lie,” and with that, his eyes turned fiery blue.
“Edward, no, you are going to kill me. What are you going to tell Asher, that you killed his mother?”
“Still in character, aren’t you? Well, let’s see if you can still be after this,” he tightened his hold on her neck and he could see her choking and his eyes burned brighter blue fire but right before he could burn the soul, a puff sound was made and both Aliyah and the baby carrier was gone. Two rats were running, trying to get away from there and grabbing onto the tails, Edward raised them up. “Rat demons, just like I suspected.” He smiled and watched them squeak in pain before turning into ashes and falling down like dusts. Edward closed his eyes, the energy from their souls healing him instantly from the internal wound he had caused himself earlier.
He opened his eyes and thought about what just happened, rat demons can only project what they touched or project something by touching another thing connected to that by blood or a strong bond. So if they could project Aliyah and Asher, it could only mean that they have one of them or both of them. His eyes turned serious and without a sound, he vanished right there and then.
Appearing in Blue Moon pack, Edward closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Just like he had suspected, neither Aliyah nor Asher were in the pack. Anger bubbled inside him and he immediately inhaled for Alan’s scent but he wasn’t there as well, neither was Rasmus, Irene, Sean and Steven. He can’t tell what they were up to but if the rat demons had come to deceive him, then they must have kidnapped his family and was definitely calling for him. After all, there is no way they would have expected him to fall for that little trick.
“This is Snake demon kingdom,” Rasmus announced and everybody grew conscious immediately as they all hid behind a tree and watched the rather awfully quiet place.
“So, what is our move?” Aton asked.
“We have to try and get Asher, at least, if we have one of them before meeting Edward, we stand a chance of leaving with our heads.” Alan explained.
“You mean our body parts,” Irene corrected before walking ahead and they followed. However, before they could get closer, they heard a meow and all turned to glanced at each other. “A cat?”
“Look,” Steven pointed and they watched as cats started appearing in front of the giant python sculpture that served as a gate. “The cats are here, why?”
Irene shook her head, “I don’t know but from their stance, they didn’t come to talk. They came for a fight.”
They watched as a guard rushed into the tall looking palace and others turned to the cats. In all of the cats, one seemed different. It was black with two long tails, longer than any cat tail they have ever seen. A man with white hair walked out of the palace and they watched as the cat with two tails turned into a beautiful woman with long, very long black hair.
“That is Maleeka, Queen of the cat demon and that over there, is Idrissa, the Python king,” Irene explained. “Queen Maleeka will never show up in front of Idrissa for a fight, if she did now then it means Idrissa must have done something, but what?”
“It was supposed to be a fair fight, Idrissa,” Maleeka said but it was very easy for them to hear as they all tapped into their wolf powers and Irene didn’t seem to be having a problem as well, neither did Rasmus.
Idrissa chuckled, “My, my, Maleeka, what a pleasant surprise. Now, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?”
“I have come to claim what is mine. I went for the child first so I should have him. I was even prepared to leave the fight to be equal but you had to include the rats. Now I have come to make a meal out of them unless you let me have what was meant to be mine.”
Idrissa laughed sarcastically, “oh dear Maleeka, they are already afraid of being my own meal so I don’t think they are going to be bullied by you. Now, if you know you want to leave things as there are, turn back now with your kittens and wait for the final result.”
“You underestimate me, Idrissa,” Maleeka snarled, her eyes a bright green as she watched the man in front of her.

Author's note
Thank you all for your support, I am still trying to solve the issue, I will be sure to let you know when it is settled.

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