Chapter twenty three

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Edward sat in front of the doors as he made himself remember all the times he spent with Aliyah, even the times he still believed he hated her. His mission was to make her his innermost desire so that when he opened one of those doors, it would lead him back to her, back to them and so that he can protect them as he should, as he should have.
Selene had told him about the thing with Irene but he knew he can’t hate her, Irene would never hurt Aliyah if she was in her right mind and that means he had to go back sooner to wake her up before she was used to really hurt Aliyah, building guilt upon her when she finally regains her senses.
However, if he was telling himself the truth, that was not the only reason he wanted to go back so much now. Selene don’t often tell him everything that was happening in the world but somehow she managed to tell him that Steven was getting really close to Aliyah now. He doesn’t want to believe that Aliyah would forget him so soon but he also won’t blame her if she does anything, after all, he is dead. He might be knowing things about her but she doesn’t know about him.
He knows he can never blame her if anything happens since Steven is the one by her side in these trying times and so it would be easy for her to lean on him for comfort. In as much as he knows this, it still doesn’t make it easy to swallow and he doubts if he would ever accept that. Aliyah has been his since the beginning of times and he wasn’t ready to let some boy come over and sweep her off her feet. Hell no.
“That’s a very strong emotion,” a voice said behind him, calling him out of his thoughts. “I am sure it would help really well,” Selene added.
Edward heaved a sigh and opened his eyes. If she was here, then that means she had come to tell him something, he just hopes that it doesn’t have to deal with Steven otherwise when he finally goes back, he would be killing the boy. “What news have you brought to me now?”
“You are running out of time,” she said and he turned to her sharply. “The mad man as you loved to call him and his new friend has reached an agreement and with them together, Mariah doesn’t stand a chance. You have to go back Edward, you have to save my creation. She will never stop until she made sure you are all gone.”
“She?” Edward frowned but Selene said nothing. “You always mention this friend of the madman but you never say anything else. Who is she, at least give me a head start of what I am going to fight.”
“Don’t worry, you will only be fighting the mad man, I don’t think she is your fight.”
“What do you mean?”
“She is his fight, your son’s fight, it was the reason I created him.”
“My son has not even been born and a fight is waiting for him?” Edward roared, getting up on his feet, however, Selene was unfazed. “What in the world is going on?”
“Go back and you shall find out,” she said and then she was gone.
“No, I am going to fight every fight for him. I am going to protect him. Throw his fight to me and I will fight it. Do you hear me, my son is supposed to live comfortably, not have a fight brewing for him before he was even born. Throw his fight at me!” he yelled to the clouds but whether Selene heard him, he didn’t know. He clenched his hands in a tight fist, his eyes turning red as anger bobbled inside him. He turned sharply to the black doors, his eyes clashing with his instant enemies and he stormed to them. The thought of his son having a fight waiting for him when he grows up was so strong that all he could think about was going to him and protecting him, fighting every battle for him.
He went to the middle door and placed his hand on the handle. He closed his eyes, thinking about Aliyah, thinking about the day he found out about his son, the day he heard his heartbeat for the first time. He thought about how happy he was, how he even imagined holding him, all the good things he had thought about doing for him and now they are telling him that there is a fight he can’t fight for him? Ha, he scoffed, he would like to see them try and with that, he turned the handle.
“Edward,” he heard behind him but he didn’t turn to her. “Mariah will be giving birth tonight but they will be complication, you have to be by her side.” Her words only made him stronger and he was gripped with much vigor that he opened the door, the creaking sound making him cringe. He stood in front of the opened door, his eyes still closed and he felt a strong wind blew past him, proving to him that he had really opened the door and when he finally opened his eyes, he was met with darkness. “Step in because no door shall open for your soul ever again,” Selene whispered.
Edward could feel his heart pumping really hard in his chest and when he took a step into the darkness, goose bumps rose on his skin and he shivered with the cold. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh before bringing in his second leg. The cold made him shiver once more and he finally brought himself to turn to Selene, hoping that somehow her beautiful goddess face would tell him where he was going. But Selene’s face was as neutral as ever and the only glint that flashed through her bright eyes were of sadness and then she smiled and urged him on. “It was nice meeting you prince Edward, I really hope that you get what you wanted.”
Edward sighed with a shake of his head, “so even till now, you won’t tell me where I am going.”
“A goddess can only do this much,” she smiled. “Farewell prince Edward, till we meet again,” and as she said, the big black door started closing. “Know Edward, sometimes, things don’t go back to the way it once was and complications would rise, but do not worry, I trust that you can fight through that complication, you always do.” And with that, the giant door shuts with a thud and Edward was wrapped in darkness with the cold wind now blowing every now and then. It has been a long time he ever felt cold and now he had to wrap his arms around himself to retain his warmth as he walked through the darkness. He kept walking for what felt like hours but light never showed up nor did he see anything or felt warmer.
His fingers were being attacked by frostbites and he sniffled as he kept pushing through. The longer he walked, the stronger the cold wind and it wasn’t helping if he wasn’t seeing where he was going. His foot hit on something and he fell face first on the icy ground. He got up, shivering as his teeth chatter. Selene never said anything about one of the doors leading to the ice world, why should this place be this cold?
He tried to stand on his feet but his legs were frozen on the ground and his fingers couldn’t move. He feared that if he should force himself to move, he might end up breaking something. Fear rose in his heart as he wondered if maybe he had accidently opened the door to the underworld, after all, only the underworld should be this cold, right? But there was no one to answer to his questions and he could only try and force himself to his feet. However, as soon as he started taking one single step at a time, he was tripped once more and this time, he was shivering and shaking on the icy ground. There was no warmth left in him and he feared that he would eventually die in the cold before he could even figure out exactly which door that he opened. He closed his eyes, feeling life draining out of him and he waited till when it would finally be over. Guess Aliyah ended up not be his innermost desire after all.

Author's note!

Ah, I don't know why I am making another update just hours of the first one but I guess it's your luck.
So enjoy 😉 😘 ☺

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