The Incident *1*

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(Taking a different approach on the story POV, hope y'all like it:3)

TW suggested cannibalism


Just another normal day in the clearing.
Thankfully I have some plans for today, I don't want another boring day to go by, then again, when do I ever have any boring days here?

I always have Percival and Tasia! My two best friends. Sure, I like to hang out with other members of the clearing, but whenever they're not available, Percy and Tasia are!

I got out of bed, pacing around the room remembering everything I have to do today. I have to help Tasia feed the cows, get soup some ingredients, get the book Emma recently finished and give it to Percival, and maybe explore the maze a bit!

Yep, all booked for today. Time to head out and actually do everything.

I walked out of my home immediately being greeted with the warm sun, it was harsh on some peoples eyes but because I have hair covering mine, it's not so bad.

I'll start off with helping Tasia, it's been a while since I've seen the cows and actually helped out with them. I just hope I don't step in any cow shit like last time... ew.

I started walking over to Tasias place, running into Magic along the way, not the top person I wanted to interact with but I won't complain, Magic is sweet and patient.

"Hey Krow! How are you doing today?" Magic said with the same warm smile she always wore on her face.

"Hey! I'm doing good, just on my way to help Tasia with the cows. How about you? How are you doing?" It seemed like the right thing to do, ask how someone else is doing.

"I'm doing good! I'm not sick anymore so I'm happy about that!" She's right, she had a nasty cold about a week ago, I'm glad she's doing better.

"Anyways, sorry to bother! Go ahead and help Tasia with the cows! Nice seeing you Krow" she waved goodbye and walked off, I did the same.

It was nice seeing Magic after not being able to go near her for a week or so, thankfully Soup helped her recover.

I walked off and went to Tasias farm, she was already tending to the cows. I walked in and immediately my feet were swarmed with a baby cow, who was running around my feet.

I chuckled patting it on the head looking at Tasia, "so, still need help feeding them?" I asked her

"Yep! Thank you for coming Krow, it means a lot" she smiled, handing me a bag of food. "If you can just hand these out to them that would help a lot!

She also had a bag of food in hand as she started feeding the cows, I decided to start doing the same.

After a while every cow had been fed and we both threw the bags away.

"Thanks again for helping me Krow, can I repay you in any way?"

"Nah, I didn't mind feeding them. Originally I thought it would be hard honestly!" I chuckled, I mean I wasn't lying, I thought it would be hard as fuck.

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