Adjusting *3*

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Tw thoughts of unaliving yourself
Stay safe!


It's been a month since I lost my home. I've been trying to adjust to this new clearing but I don't like anyone here.

Besides one person. Mohwee. I feel like I can trust Mohwee with anything, not with too much yet, but a lot.

I have a hole, it's what I consider my home right now. Even though it's just a little hole in the ground. It has a bed, chest full of my shit, etc.

It's everything I'll ever need.

I climbed out of the hole, covering it with dirt so no one found it. I stood up walking towards Mohwees house, I wanna see him again today.

I arrived at his house knocking at the door, he was quick to answer, opening the door wide. "Hey Krow! How ya doing?"

"Hey! I'm doin good, can I come in?" I already knew the answer, I just wanted to ask him lol

"Of course dude! Come on!" He said moving out of the way so I could go through, which I did.

"So..." I sat down on a couch he had. "You know where Oeca is?" Haven't seen that guy in a while.

"Nope, sorry. Haven't seen him in forever!" Mohwee chuckled.

**TIME SKIP...**

I left Mohwees house after a while we had good talks but we didn't know what to talk to each other about much.

Now... what do I do now? I always had something to do in my clearing (the better clearing) but now I barely know anyone here.

Maybe I should go visit Perci and Tasia today... I haven't gone back since I was brought here.

I started walking over to the maze, before being rudely stopped by Owen. The old British guy.

"Where are you going, Krow?" He asked, kinda sounding annoyed. Not that it's the first time I've tried to go into the maze.

"None of your business old man. Move it" I'm getting tired of this guy.

"No Krow, you know you can't go into the maze without a buddy. If you go and get hurt I'm gonna get in trouble." Seriously? Did this man only care about himself?

"I don't care, tell them it's on me." I shoved Owen to the side walking to the door of the maze before being stopped by him again. Fucking leave me alone!

"Move it before I rip your arm off." I snapped at him, I'm not bluffing.

He gave me a look, like he thought I was joking.

"Krow, you know you can't go into the maze by yourself, so either I go with you or you go with someone else"

Ugh. Fine I'll listen to your stupid rules.

"Where's that tall demon? Guts their name was? I want them to come with me."

"I'll go get them, wait here" just like that he walked away.

I snickered to myself, did he really think I wasn't gonna run? I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit.

"Dumbass." I said before running into the maze, I don't give a damn if that British fuck gets in trouble, it's not my problem.

I actually didn't know my way back to my clearing and I was already far into the maze... fuck

I walked around not knowing what to do, just trying to go based off my instincts.

It felt like I was close, but what I really?

What if I died in here. Would that be for the best or the worst?

I've never feared death, but I didn't exactly want it either. It's confusing.

Maybe it's for the best if I die.

Wait what?! Stop thinking like that! What the hell Krow?!

I hit myself on the head, what stupid thoughts.

I sighed and kept walking. Surely the clearing would be around here.

**TIME SKIP...**

I had been walking for hours, surely Owen had noticed I went off without him, though why do I care?

The sun had set a while ago but I didn't care, I kept on walking.

Eventually I found the door, my clearing!

I ran towards it and immediately got hit with the smell of rotting corpses. I gagged, it smelt horrible.

I didn't forget why I wanted to come here though. Perci and Tasia.

I walked over to their graves, sitting down. It's cringy, but I started talking to them.

"Hey Perce, Tasia... I miss you two more than you will ever know. Since, y'know... you guys are dead."

My voice cracked, I quickly pulled myself back together.

"Y'know, the clearing I've been staying in sucks. There's this old man named Owen, a few other demons that are absolute pussies, even a vegan. None of them want to go into the maze so we haven't gotten along."

I sighed, looking at the bracelets that were thankfully still there.

"Sometimes it feels like I can hear you guys, I fall for it, but then I remember..."

Tears started dancing down my cheeks. Damnit. I hate crying. It makes me feel weak.

I buried my face into my hands, lying down in between the graves. That's not weird, right?

I closed my eyes as my mind went blank and I drifted off to sleep. It was nice, I hadn't slept in a while so...

This is nice.


This chapter is a bit shorter than the others and I'm sorry about that, I just need to get a chapter out rn:,(
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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