Aftermath *2*

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Tw: kinda detailed gore and some cannibalism



I spent maybe weeks down in the cave, some days were longer than others ,or so it felt like. I had no sense of time in there so it felt useless trying to count how much time had gone by.

I had to survive off of bread, gross... and maybe taking a nibble or two off my skin...

Okay look! Would you rather me starve to death or risk some of my skin that can always grow back?! That's what I thought!

Either way, I wanted out. I decided it might've been safe enough to get out. So I moved some of the rocks. Holy fucking shit...

Just by taking a peek I could tell everything was destroyed, there was no sign of life anywhere.

I quickly got out of the cave, hissing as the sun hit my eyes for the first time in a while.

I ran though the rubble, surely Percy and Tasia were at least still alive!

That thought was cut short when I saw their bodies on the floor, mangled and stabbed.

Percy was missing his head and had his guts spilling out, while Tasha had no jaw or legs.

I gagged at the sight, looking at their corpses horrified.

I collected my thoughts, warm tears were rolling down my face.

I walked towards the bodies, digging holes for them with my claws and carefully putting their corpses in them, covering them up when I was done.

I put their bracelets on the graves as I sat in front of them.

Tears didn't stop pouring from my eyes as I grieved at their graves.

I don't know how long I stayed there, hours maybe, before I heard voices coming from the doors.

My attention didn't move, I didn't even flinch. I stayed right by their graves as I heard the voices rush over to me.

One got really close to me, it sounded like a middle aged British man, when I looked over, turns out it was one.

"Hey, you okay there?" He asked. He had brown hair and eyes, with orange highlights in his hair along with a flower, daisy I think it's called.

"Mhm." Was all I was able to get out before looking back at their graves.

The man looked at the graves too "it doesn't look safe here, why don't you come back with us?" He asked calmly and kind of patiently... like Magic.

Fuck, I forgot about Magic!

I shot up, quickly running around the clearing as the old British fuck ran after me. Damnit dude leave me alone!

It wasn't long before I found Magics body, I feel to my knees seeing it all mangled and shit. God it was disgusting...

The British man put his hand on my shoulder "hey... c'mon I can tell it's been rough for you. We can help..."

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