Your Eyes Tell-3

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Come with me...

Nanon followed him holding his warm hands  all the while taking slow and careful steps. His nose filled with all types of smells making his stomach growl.

Bro....One plate of Fresh, crunchy with a small ones. Cause they are crunchier and bro no spicy.

What are you ordering? Nanon asked confused his was trying to smell the dish but failed to recognise.

Eat. This is famous Thai Street food. I will let you know what if that after we eat. Ohm said giving him a cup filled with snacks.

Is this edible? Nanon tired touching them then smelling.

Emmhmmm....Ohm hummed already eating. He watched Nanon being sus so he just took one and pushed it in Nanon's mouth which he started chewing. Strangely the taste was good for his taste buds which made him excited.

Like that Ohm made Nanon try almost all weird and strange food.

What's the time? Nanon asked in between their walk.

Emm....why do you care about the time? Let's just enjoy this night. Ohm replied screaming yooooooooohooooooooooo......on the top of his lungs.


What happened? Nanon rubbed his forehead when got collide with Ohm's broad back.'s a slope filled with rocks and so many small pebbals.

Okay then let's go back.

No....we have come so far. I wanted to take you here. To my favourite place. You are coming with me. Ohm said and pulled Nanon on his back.

You will regret Ohm. I am heavy. Nanon chuckled when Ohm lost his grip on Nanon's thigh.

I can do it. Ohm said after signing loudly....Nanon wanted to tease Ohm as he started moving at his back here and there all the while chuckling.

Stay Still....Nanon. Ohm said grabbing Nanon's things on till his waist Nanon wrapped his hands around Ohm's neck slowly holding too tight.

Okay keep teasing me....I will lose my balance then we both will roll down this inclined path. You want that?

Nope. Nanon replied leaning his head on Ohm's shoulder. Ohm's breath started accelerating which was relaxing to Nanon he smiled slightly.

Aargh....You are heavy. Ohm signed holding his breath.

And you are strong. Nanon comments chuckling.

By the way where are we? Nanon tried to process the place he noticed the vehicle moving so far from them. And the cool breeze hitting his cheeks.

Emm...When I was kid I used to love this place. It's calm and pleasing. Ohm said taking a seat on the rock pulling Nanon gently to sit along with him.

Beer? Ohm asked.


Ohm's POV

Don't know how long we sat there just chitchatting about some random topics. It's nice that somehow someone other than me is enjoying this place. And also it's good that the place which once I felt lonely is now warm.

Are you listening? Nanon asked in between his conversation when he felt like Ohm was not responding to his conversation.

Just thinking how lucky you are to hangout a 6.1 m handsome young guy.

Yuckkkk....Nanon replied making a weird face which made Ohm frown.

Why did you make that face? What's wrong with me?

You....if you are that handsome you would be busy flirting with people around not hanging with me.

Oh....hello I am so damn handsome that I dated 5 people seriously, body count maybe 7, 4 people were after me for my attention and hundreds of people flirted- Wh-at are you doing? (Ohm jerked when all of a sudden Nanon cupped his face)

Nanon fingers were too soft and he was sitting too close to Ohm....Ohm observed every detail of Nanon's face and the smile which he gave in between making his dimples prominent was too attractive for Ohm.

Thick eyebrows.
Small eyes (Nanon chuckles)
Cheek bones
Droopy nose (traling fingers on Ohm's nose)
Wild lips
Blunt Jaw line
Emmmm.......I agree you are handsome. Nanon replied chuckling again meanwhile Ohm was rethinking his whole existence no matter how many people he dated with but no one touched and appreciated his beauty like how Nanon did.

And the thing Nanon was too close to Ohm made him lean a bit forward but moved away scratching the back of his head, he looked at the beer bottle beside him biting his own lips and pushing off the bottle away.

What happened? Nanon asked when he hear the bottle rolling sound.

Nothing, I should stop drinking.........did I said you want you ate earlier? No right? They are freshly fried insects. Ohm replied while Nanon tried to vomit the things which he ate.

(Ohm laughed out loud watching Nanon going crazy, annoyed, angry , and discussed all at once)

Next was Nanon who asked him to take him out.

Ohm frowns but agrees anyway.

Tonight after 12 he whispered to Nanon holding his hands, Nanon too got used to the hands more than the walls leading him to his destination.

Slowly and gradually Nanon felt bliss to get a friend like Ohm. He always wanted to have a friend who he can get comfortable with. He was not alone anymore, now he has a shoulder to lean on, he has someone to guide him a way, someone to read a book to talk to walk to shop and that someone was Ohm.

Ohm POV are scolding me again? Nanon, get a life.

You ruined all the paintings which I made with efforts and now you are angry at me? He yelled back annoyed sometimes I just don't get like why he has so many angry issues.

I said I am sorry that was not on purpose. I explained but still he was angry.

And what about my efforts?

I am done with you. Don't talk to me. I said and walked away from the place just to run to Nanon who fell on the ground.

He didn't let me touch him instead he took the help of near by table to stand up on his fate....And walked away with the help of the blind stick.

Honestly....Im the one who is totally wrong now? Aarghhh Nanon you just piss me off in every ways. This time it should be you to talk to me first. I am done. Why it should always be me to say sorry. Like I won't. I can't.


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