Your Eyes Tell-4

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Ohm's POV

10min.....10min and he still hasn't talked to me yet. Like why is he so stubborn?

No, this time I am not going to him, No never. Ohm show him your Pride ego every possible thing.....He should understand I am not easy going cause I am NOT.

2 mins later...

Okay fine, let's just talk to him. I gave up on this. I thought to myself while walking into Nanon's room, but he wasn't in his room.

Nanon...I called but no response. I went in to witness Nanon's bathroom door open and he was under the shower naked.

Oh shit shit shitttt.....I face palmed myself running behind the curtains turning my back.

What the hell....Ohm? Don't you have the minimum common sense to wait till he gets out of his room, You are really invading his Privacy. I said to myself looking in the mirror which was placed in front of me.

Hey friend, Long time no see? Nani said making a drink for Ohm in the bar.

Simply. Ohm said and sat on the chair.

You look so pissed off right now that I can clearly read the frown on your face. Nani said.

Is it about Leng? Nani asked when Ohm was silent.

Leng? Nope it's been a very long time since I moved on from Leng. I have no feelings left for him. Ohm said gulping the whole bottle.

Then what's the problem?

Nanon. Ohm replied

That blind guy? Tell me what problem you can have from a blind guy? He looks so innocent.

Innocent my ass.....If you were signed for this job. I swear you'll do suicide the very next day. He has too much to handle.

Emmhmm....But I remember you saying a lot of sweet stuff about him when you introduced me to him.

Yeah he is sweet with everyone except me. I mean he is good with me but not at all times like now he didn't talk to me since the whole day like I need to speak with him every time we have a fight. And you know how much shameless I am to talk with him right after the fight. Even now I was so ready to kill my ego and talk with him but that bitch doesn't even care about my existence like dude I am his guide ain't I should expect minimum respect from him?

By the way you didn't tell what you did. Nani asked side eyeing Ohm.

Emm...I happened to splash some random paint on his potrate I got panic and whipped it off with some cloth but the thing is it the paint got spreaded and the potrate got ruined.

If I was him I would have killed you. (Nani scoffed)

Why? It was just a painting right? Ohm asked wide eyed.

Just a Painting? It was his efforts. We don't know how he felt while painting that......what if that painting was his emotions and you just happened to ruin him emotions. Nani tried to explain which Ohm clearly started getting understood.

You should have apologized to him genuinely or given him sometime to process. Nani suggested Ohm nodded.

Don't take too much time to make up with him. He may look all tough from inside but that's not how he should be treated or looked after.

Yeah I know....I even tried to talk but I- I.....walked away cause I couldn't for some reason. (Gay panic)

The thing with Ego again? Nani frowns folding his arms.

No....not ego. You are getting me wrong. It's definitely not about EGO.

Fine. Then make it you with him asap. Nani said smiling to which Ohm also smiled.

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