𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝚃𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛

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    Upon entering the training deck, the Galra man had begun getting sick and tired of constantly being monitored by the princess all because of his biological heritage. Sighing when he realized the doors had been closed, when he no longer felt someone watching him. But his face dropped when he realized that there were such things called cameras and that this ship had them too.

    He let out a sigh of pure frustration. His face an angered blank, it only drops as he hears panting from within the room seeing (skin tone) wave around as she defeats the hologram with some difficulty.

    Seeing as she stood there heaving. Sweat beading down her face. "Your form's weak." He comments without much thought.

    Her head snaps up turning towards the General, eyes narrowing. Her body involuntarily stood tall, shoulders lowering as she slid this new-profound sword back to its dagger form putting it away. Her voice managed to find itself within her fast-beating heart, "I know, I've been working on it." Looking down at her lonely hands she explains, "I've always fought with a bow." You didn't know why you were telling him you just were.

    "Show me," he said in such a monotone voice.

    Raising an unease eyebrow, you repeat, "Show you?" Raising two hands in the air besides your head, you spoke, jokingly, "We met yesterday and you're already wanting to learn all my secrets in fighting?"

    Kolivan's mouth parted open only closing when he heard the joking tone. Shaking his head, he went on, "May you show me how you fight with a bow?" He asks much kinder than before and not in a demanding tone that he usually uses.

    Y/n nods heading over to her discarded bayard that she had brought in just in case she felt tired with her sword and saw it going nowhere and needed to reset a bit. Forming the bayard into a bow, she hums out for the room to hear, "Level Eighteen!"

    Four holograms dropped from the roof whilst four were raised from the ground. Everything slotted into places, Kolivan took a step back from the training arena.

    All was heard was silence. Y/n standing in the middle of the room head lowered, hands already holding the bow. Then everything started. The holograms all jump into action.

    But she was as quick as them. Drawing breaths like a loaded gun. Her body twisting and turning. Arms pulling and aiming. Speed on her side. Chest tightening but it always had when in the heat of battle.

    Dodging the whistling arrows two of them dove straight for her. Jumping and doing a flip to get away from them, she raised the bow towards the sky where one was ready to slam their weapon down towards her. Arrow already formed as it had become second nature to have it drawn and loaded. The White paladin her natural calling. It only made sense that it was in her blood to fight with ease as she carried the Kaltea gene.

    Breathing out carbon dioxide she shot. The arrow flying towards the tumbling hologram shooting it straight where the heart should be. It glitching out becoming nothing but mere pixels raining all over her.

    But she didn't stop. Only instead she rolled off to the side from the jabbing baston. Sliding onto her feet, an arrow drawn once again, it all constantly moving that Kolivan couldn't keep up where she was aiming. Only noticing when the hologram had fallen.

    She was like a cheetah with that bow.

    And just like that they all fell to their demise with Y/n left standing, not panting this time only instead she focused on breathing.

    Kolivan's lips quivered upwards as if he was secretly proud of her like any father was to his daughter. But she didn't need to know that. Not when they hadn't yet collected her mother. "Reminds me of someone."

    "Who?" Y/n (color) eyes slid into his.


    Eyes narrowing once again, it all leaving her mouth in aggravated tones, "How do you know her?"

   Kolivan didn't answer that question but revealed the littlest piece of information about the woman he loved, "When I met her she was absolutely useless with any weapon anyone gave her. Some of my men would comment on it and out of spite she proved them wrong with that bow of hers that she made. Proving all of them wrong."

    Then it all clicked, that's how she had her mother's fire. She was a fighter, a warrior and only worked hard when the universe saw her as only a runner.

    Why couldn't she be both?

    "How in all that is holy did you come into possession of an extinct panther?" Orion demands, softly.

    Raising her head away from the glistening river she smirks as she counters, "How long have we've been here?"

    "This planet? Two years. The entire universe? Only weeks. Now answer the damn question."

    "They're not extinct," Y/n tells him flatly. Her eyes landing on her partner, P/n drinking from the flowing tame river. All four of them are relaxing there. "But if you must know, I met P/n when she was none but a cub, her mother Lystra saved me."

    Orion's face pulled into one of shock, taken aback. "Lystra?" Swallowing hard, he informs her, "Lystra is an Ancient's name, Y/n."

    "Ancients?" Altean's version of gods. "What is she the goddess of?" She asked jokingly.

    But the golden skinned man was dead serious with his next course of answer, "Strength, fortune, merciful, restoration. She's one of the old ones."

    "Who else is one of the old ones?"

    "Sorraya, Isolde, Vesperine," Morana began listing out always having some adoration of her culture that she couldn't have learned without him. "Then there was her son, Trigil, along with Jasiah. (Juh-zah-uh)"

    Y/n eyes lingered on her aunt for a moment before tearing themselves towards P/n and saw a glimmer of what stood behind her noticing a woman with dark skin that matches with the darkness that surrounds the moon. A large hooked nose with dazzling eyes that carried every color of them. Rainbow they were. Looking down at the animal that had become yours. 

    Her lips pursed into a small smile even as her eyes flickered up meeting yours. Before disappearing deep into the trees not being able to be caught, a ghost story she'll become. Lystra, an Ancient, was restoring the extinction of panthers and possibly any other animal.

 Lystra, an Ancient, was restoring the extinction of panthers and possibly any other animal

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