Chapter 22 (Logan)

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Warnings: Panic attack, Dillon (obviously), Logan defends his man (Dillon receives a broken nose), Logan states a falsehood (unknowingly), kidnapping, shocked Logan

Present Day...

Once Virgil had finished explaining his Marines background, he sat on the stairs. I whipped around and confronted Dillon who had a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

"Why did you make him say that?! He was clearly uncomfortable!" I demanded, fists balled up.

He shot up from our couch and stalked towards me. "He never told you. I was simply trying to assist." He shrugged, maintaining his smirk.

"No, you were not. Look at him now! He's...." I glanced over at my boyfriend and found Sergeant laying beside him as he was having a panic attack! "Suffering now. Get out." I punched him in the nose out of anger and impatience. Dillon began laughing like a madman.

"What?" He inquired, seeming surprised. He grabbed his nose. I must have broken it. Good.

I crossed my arms, confidently. "You heard me, Dillon. Get. Out!" I yelled at the slightly shorter man. He was at least 5'10.

He nodded. "Very well. But you'll see me again. I assure you." He replied, stepping out of our front door, confidently.

I slammed the door on him and locked it. I walked to Virgil and asked, "Virge, can I touch you?"

He nodded. He can hear me which is good.

I reached out and held onto his shoulders. I could immediately feel the tension beginning to leave him.

I walked him through the breathing exercise we had been doing when he had an attack and it worked like a charm.

No matter how I helped him out, I knew he'd be extra clingy the rest of the night. I'd gotten used to it over time. Honestly, it's rather adorable.


I looked down at him, him having ceased his panic attack and was now holding onto me tightly. "Yes, Virgil?" I asked, concerned.

"C...can we watch a movie? P...please?"

I nodded and helped him up. "Of course we can. What do you want to watch?" I inquired.

We sat on the couch and I got our streaming services pulled up.

Sergeant laid on his nearby dog bed and was chewing rather aggressively on a bone.

"Uh, Nightmare Before Christmas? Since it's October and all." He replied, his stutter having vanished now that he was pretty much calmed down now.

I chuckled a bit but turned it on Disney +. "It's your favorite Disney movie isn't it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it is. Plus we can watch it again in December too." He smiled at me, leaning back and resting his head on my chest.

I started the movie and absentmindedly played with his hair. "That is true." I answered just after it started.


After the movie ended, I felt very tired seeing as it was now 11:00 at night.

I glanced down hearing light snoring. Virgil was fast asleep.

I smiled softly at my boyfriend and maneuvered well enough to get up.

I picked him up bridal style and carried him to our bedroom, Sergeant hot on my heels knowing it's bedtime.

I laid Virgil on the bed and covered him up and went into the bathroom.

I got changed and brushed my teeth before walking back into the bedroom.

I got under the covers and turned the lamp on my desk on. I grabbed the book I had been reading recently and started reading. It was called The Guest List, an Agatha Christie novel. She wrote Murder on the Orient Express as well. I had recently recommended that one to Virgil who had started reading it!

I had not gotten far before my cases had begun piling up so I was only four pages in.

I continued reading until my eyes grew heavy and I felt an arm wrap around my torso causing my cheeks to burn hot at the touch.

I glanced down, finding Virgil's face in my side as he was asleep, evidently unaware of the situation.

How did I end up with such a wonderfully adorable human being?

"I won't let him hurt you. Not while I'm alive. I promise." I whispered, pecking his cheek and setting my book and glasses on my nightstand. I turned my lamp off and allowed the smaller male to 'big spoon' me tonight.

Little did I know I had just spoken a falsehood...

I shut my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I was startled awake by a scream! I sat up quickly, having a small dizzy spell as a result.

I snatched my glasses off my nightstand and put them on straight.

I shot to my feet and ran after the shadowy figure and listened to the screaming.

I kept following until I could clearly see who had broken in once we had arrived in the living room.

"Dillon. Let. Virgil. Go. NOW!!!!" I commanded the slightly shorter man. He held him like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder.

Virgil was shaking with fear and was now blinking for help. I attempted to figure out if it meant something.

I had a sneaking suspicion it did and made a mental note of the blinks to write down later as Dillon cackled at me and bounded out the backdoor, taking Virgil with him. I was frozen. I couldn't move!

AN: This is sooo short! I'm sorry! Don't worry, the chapters are about to get much longer. Also, Logan is going to have his revenge soon enough. BTW, we are nearing the end of Book 1! Yes, I am working (very slowly) on the sequel! Let me know if y'all are even interested. Additionally, I am working on a one-shot book for the Sides as well. Is anyone interested in reading that? Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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