Escape From The Vault

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Two days passed since Jonas died.

I hid in the fourth storage level of the vault. It's a restricted area, so I knew I wouldn't be found. When I knew I was safe, I played the holotape from Dad. As I put the holotape into my pip-boy, I heard feedback before my dad's voice.

"Hold on, Jonas. I need to record this first.

Fern, I...I don't really know how to tell you this. I hope you'll understand, but I know you might be angry.
I thought about it for a long time, honey, and decided it was best for you not to know. So many things could have gone wrong, and there's really no telling how the Overseer will react when he finds out. It's best if he can blame everything on me.
Obviously, you already know that I'm gone. It was something I needed to do. You're a grown woman now. You're ready to be on your own. Maybe some day, things will change, and we can see each other again. I can't tell you why I left or where I'm going. I don't want you to follow me.
God knows life in the vault isn't perfect, but at least you'll be safe. Just knowing that will be enough to keep me going."

I heard Jomas's voice in the recording, and for some obvious reasons, I cried a bit.

"Don't mean to rush you, Doc, but I'd feel better if we got this over with."

" Okay. Go ahead.
Goodbye, Sweetheart. I love you."

The holotape clicked, meaning that it was over. I only had one thought to myself.


Why did he just leave me behind like this?

I suddenly froze, hearing more voices, coming closer.


I grabbed the switchblade I found, and hid behind a tarp in one of the doorways, my hand clamped over my mouth to prevent noise from reaching them.

"Don't worry. Wally's gonna find her with his mop."

"I know you think you're being funny, but considering the fact that people are dying, personally..."

Shadows started to approach. I knew they were after me.

Screw it.

"I don't find it funny in the slightest-"

I rushed out from my hiding place, and grabbed the figure closest to me. Slamming them against the wall and holding the tip of my blade to their throat. The voices sounded more afraid, but also familiar.

"Fern! FERN!! NO!"

I turned my head, keeping my grip on my victim, and the shadows became more familiar. Amata. Butch DeLoria and Susie Mack are behind her, and they looked at me like I just murdered someone. Amata stepped forward. Her hands out, proving to me that she is unarmed.

Amata spoke calmly, "It's me. It's Amata. You know Wally. He's not here to hurt you. Right, Wally?"

I looked back at the person I had in my grip, and saw Wally Mack. He nodded quickly. I heard Butch from behind, carefully asking, "Wally, lose the mop, will ya? It's not helping."

Wally quickly let go of the mop in his hand, but the crash it made triggered me, and I inched my blade closer to his throat. Everyone flinched, trying to calm me down. Butch quickly changed his tone, as if hoping I wouldn't kill Wally.

"He's cool! He's. Cool."

I glared at him and asked, my voice barely above a whisper, "What are you doing here?"

Susie stepped forward, reaching her hands in the air as she explained, "We're looking for you. We're here to help."

My expression softened. These were my friends, and they wouldn't sell me out.

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