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I was in Underworld for about 2 months. 

Honestly, I'd gotten used to life there.

Ahzrukhal was good to me, but I couldn't shake the rumors that everyone else had started saying, that he wasn't what he seemed. Charon looked out for me.

Over time, I had learned more about him. Apparently, he spent half his life with a group of mercenaries. They brainwashed him, which was why he was so loyal to Ahzrukhal. Charon was under contract, which saddened me. He was going through a similar scenario to mine.

There were lots of other ghouls around. Tulip managed the general store. Originally, her section of Underworld was called Underworld outfitters, but it was basically a general store. She was nice enough to me. One of my first friends in this place. 

Funny thing was, everyone was so surprised with how nonchalant I was, they joked that maybe I was just a ghoul under smooth skin.

I'd be lying if I said didn't laugh a couple times at that joke.

One particular night, after I finished my shift at the bar, I saw two particular ghouls sitting on a bench in the hallway of the exhibit. One of them wore a pretty blue sun dress, and had remnants of blonde hair. Her decaying skin possessed something of a greenish hue, but she had a look about her.

The other ghoul wore a pink dress, but it had straps instead of short sleeves. What was left of her hair had a red color to it. Kind of like mine, but a little darker. She had a stern vibe around her, which seemed interesting. I walked over to them, and smiled shyly. "Hi."

They both looked at me, and the ghoul in the blue dress smiled as she replied, "Oh, hello. You must be the new smoothskin Ahzrukhal brought here."

I nodded. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

The ghoul smiled and gestured to the one with her as she greeted, "Well, I'm Carol, and this is my partner, Greta." Greta smiled at me and asked, "What's your name, smoothie?"

I cringed at the term, but replied, "I'm Fern." Carol raised her hand and beckoned me closer. "Come, sit wit us. It's not every day we get a smoothskin down here."

I was hesitant at first, but sat next to them. Carol smiled warmly at me and asked, "So, Fern, how are you liking Underworld so far?"

"It's okay. I'm glad there is some place where ghouls are safe."

"Guess that's fair," Greta replied. "But how did you get here in the first place?"

I hesitated before responding, "It's a long story. Basically, Ahzrukhal bought me off some slavers. He says I can't leave until I pay off the caps he spent on me."

Carol shook her head and sighed. "That's too bad. Ahzrukhal's not one to be trifled with. But how has he been treating you lately?"

"He's been nice enough to me so far. I'm glad he doesn't charge me for a place to stay. Otherwise, I'd be staying here for longer than intended."

We chatted for the next while. I soon found myself opening up about my life in the vault. I didn't want to admit it, but I felt safer than I did in a long time. Safe wasn't even the word for it.

I felt comfortable.

Time passed more, and I finally sat up, stretching. "It's getting late. I still have work tomorrow."

Greta smiled and nodded, and Carol replied, "Of course, sweetheart. We'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. See ya."

I waved to them before walking back to my room. Sitting down on the bed, I pulled out my Pip-boy, and looked through the footages. There were pictures, some with me and my friends, others of my friends, and others of my dad and me. One particular picture stood out to me.

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