Chapter 2

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People surrounded the front of the store. I wish I didn't have to work here. But I had to this job for my daughter. I hated the job and my boss. And I absolutely hated leaving Zaryana, with a babysitter. Why were they just standing there? I walked outside.

''If you ain't gunna come in move along your blocking the entrance!'' I practically yelled.

Everyone left besides one lady. She stood there staring at me. She had the most beautiful eyes. Wait what?

''You too lady!'' I yelled frustrated.

"Lily,'' she simply said and smiled.

"What?" I asked softly it catching me off guard.

"My name is Lily not Lady." She said.

"Oh well can you move over a little bit your blocking the entrance."

"Yeah," She said and moved over and I went back inside.

What was wrong with me? She was so nice and beautiful. Her smile was absolutely breathtaking. And I went all haywire on her. I watched as she ducked her head and walked away.

"Moore!" my boss Steve yelled.

"Yes, sir?" I yelled back walking to his office.

He waited till I enter, "You are staying till close so do what you need to do,"

"But-" I started.

"Do you not need this job for your daughter?" He looked at me.

"Okay, yes sir." I said walking out.

If I could be sure to get another job I would quit right now but I couldn't so I had to wait until I found one which wasn't going so good. So to call the babysitter. I pulled my phone out.

I called the babysitter.

"Hello?" A girls voice came on the phone.

"Hi, this is Zaryana's dad. I have to work till 11 so I'm gunna be late getting her." I said hating talking on the phone.

"Alright, be here when you can--" someone said over the phone and I hung up so they wouldn't ask more questions.

"Moore!" My boss yelled.

What now! Does he have to my life miserable?

"I want you to go deliver these flower to Fort Smith , Arkansas!"

"But that will take me--"

"You are one step from getting fired would you like too?"

"No, sir. I'll get right on it?"

"Good. There in truck 2."

Well this gunna be a blast! Why would we deliver flowers 2 hours away? I climbed in the truck.

I finally reach my destination and was knocking at the door.

An old woman answered the door and smiled.

"Well, hello young man. Come in." She said ushering me into her home.

"Hello, I just need a signature and I'll be on my way." I said as politely as I could.

"Oh, you must be thirsty dear. Would you like some water." She said going to the kitchen.

I put my hand to my head. I'm never going to get out of here.

"Oh, do you have a headache? I have some pain reliever."

"No, ma'am that's okay. Can you just sign here please?" I said starting to lose my patience.

"Oh, right." She said and took the paper to sign.

I started to drift in my thoughts. Here I was again being awful to yet another lady today. What was wrong with me? First a very beautiful lady, around my age. And now again with this very kind old lady.

"Sir, are you sure you're okay?" The woman jerked me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, sorry. I'm in a kinda of a hurry to pick my daughter up."

"Oh, well you better be on your way." She said and took the flowers.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Lisa," she said.

"Huh?" I stopped and turned around.

"My name is Lisa not ma'am." She smiled.

"Thank you, Lisa." I said walking out the door.

That was very strange. That's the same way that the lady from the flower shop corrected me also. It was probably just a coincidence. I got in my truck and started the drive home.

After about 2 hours I was finally back at my work.

I realized it was 11:45! I'm late picking up Zaryana. I quickly did the stuff I had to so I could leave. I clocked out and rushed to my car.

Okay now I have to remember where there house is. I haven't been this way in the dark. It was now 12 and I finally found their house. I shut the car off and walked up to the house. I knocked and then I heard Zaryana scream and I whipped open door.

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