Chapter 3

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All of a sudden I heard the door open as Zaryana held me tight. And a guy rushed in.

"What is going on?" he half yelled.

Thats when I realized it was the guy from the flowershop. He was Zaryana's dad? I just there in shock. Thats when he looked at me with regonization and then shocked followed.

"What are you doing here!?" he said softer than before and reached for Zaryana.

"I help my sister with the babysitting program." I said moving my right arm so he could Zaryana better.

His hands went around Zarana's waist and she screamed and tried climbing up me. "Zaryana, its okay sweetie its just your dad," I said and she looked at him and frowned.

Why did she frown? Is he not her dad? I guess I shouldn't of just assumed he was. He tried again.

"No, Daddy!" she screamed and grabbed me tighter.

His eyes went big and then a look of hurt followed, quickly leaving just as it came. I looked at my sister for help and she also had a look of shock so I'm guessing it was very unusual for her to do this.

"Zary, honey. We have to go home." he tried but she shook her head not looking at him. "Look at me, sweetie."

"No!" she yelled.

He looked at me with a look for help, as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Sweetie, can you look at me please?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me. "Why don't you want to go home?"

She shrugged.

"Can you tell me, Sweetie?"

"I'm scared" she said and her lip quivered.

"Your daddy will be with you, hon."

"Not like you," she said and started crying.

"What do you mean not like me?" I said now rubbing her back.

"You do it like mommy did it,"

Oh goodness did that hit me full blast. She didn't have a mother and she was thinking me of as one. I couldn't image not having a mother and yet this little girl that i was babysitting didn't have a mother. And I went off of how unacceptable it was and everything else. I realized I was crying because Zaryana wiped my cheek.

"Why you crying?" she asked.

"I don't like it when my favorite girl cries. Listen to me sweetie. You have to go home with your daddy. I want you to show me just how much of a big girl you can be okay?" I said.

"I can be a big girl." she said and let go of me.

I put her down and stayed kneeling, "Well I don't know about that." I smiled.

"I can!" she squealed.

"I guess we will have to find out. Now I want you to give me a hug. Then go and give your daddy a hug and kiss. Can you do that for me big girl?" I asked as she hugged me.

As soon as she was done hugging me she ran into her dad's waiting arms. He mouthed a thank you and I smiled. So apparently he does have manners.

"Before you leave tomorrow morning, when you drop Zaryana off ,we have something to disscuss so please try to be early." my sister spoke up.

"Will do. I work at noon tomorrow so I'll be here around 11." he looked at Zaryana, "Ready to go Zary?"

"Yeah," she said and yawned.

"Zaryana, you want to take your pictures you colored earlier?" I asked grabbing them.

"Yeah," she said and leaned her head against her dad and closed her eyes.

"You can just grab them in the morning." I said walking with him to the door.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow Lily." he said and left.

He remembered my name!? I didn't know his name he never told me. Not that I cared I mean it would be nice to know his name since I babysit his daughter. I liked the way he said my name it sends chills up my spine. I realized he stood in front of me staring at me. Oh my goodness was that embarrassing. Seeing as he wasn't holding Zaryana which meant he had went to his car and put Zaryana in while I stood here at the door staring after him like a weirdo.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay," he said and turned to walk to his car so I turned to go back inside the house.

"Hey, wait. I have something to say to you." he said and I turned around.

"Yeah?" I said as my heart began to pound.

"I'm really sorry about early at the flowershop." he said shifting as if he was uncomfortable.

I smiled, "Its okay,"

"No its not I was a complete jerk and you were so sweet to me."

"Really, its okay."

"Thanks," he smiled and my stomach did flips. "My name is Derek by the way."

"Thats good to know," I tried to say but it came out a whisper.

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