What do i have to lose?

110 6 0

Saturday || November 18th

Dear diary,

It's 1pm and I'm so so so sleepy . My sleep schedule is so f*cked up. Thank god I finished school last year,I couldn't handle waking up that early

I didn't want to,but I finally opened my eyes and i  got really happy when i saw that i had unread messages from my boyfriend

"cant make it tonight,i'll be with the gang🤙🏻"
"Sorry bebs❤️"

I sighed and jumped right back into my bed

I really woke up this morning(noon) thinking it'd be a good day.

Couples always have good and bad days. But apparently me and Andrè can only have bad days lately

"Stella come downstairs sleepyhead,your food is getting cold" my mom being dramatic as always

Of course I missed breakfast so i have no idea what I'm gonna eat now

"I'm coming" I sighed

Once i got downstairs
she hugged me and sat on  the chair next to me

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" She asked while she was lighting her cigarette

Well i wish i had plans with Andrè but instead,he's hanging out with his friends so I guess I'll invite Gina over

"Um.." I took a bite of the apple pie she made. She's a very talented cook .

I tried to swallow as fast as i could so i can answer her question

"Is it okay if I invite Gina over? I don't really feel like going out tonight"

"Sure.i can make you guys pancakes if you want" she winked cuz she knows me and Gina love it when she makes pancakes

We always add so much syrop and try to balance it out by adding grapes and strawberries too

"That'd be great" i hugged her

I ran upstairs to my room,to call Gina

She didn't pick it up the first time so I called again

"Stellaaaaa" she screamed in her mic and I almost jumped

"Gina shut uppp" I laughed

"Sorry for not picking up,i was listening to this new playlist i made and my fav song was..."she tried to explain

"U'll tell me about it in person,can you come over tonight?"

"Sure,but I thought you and Andrè had plans"

"So did i" I mumbled

"Ohh okay i got it. I'll be there,just let me do my makeup first"
She hang up

Anyone who knows Gina knows that she needs at least 2 hours to finish her makeup

It's worth it tho,she does the same makeup everyday and always looks flawless .

Black eyeliner and falsies to make her blue eyes pop,highlight on her nose and cheekbones,and brown-ish lip liner that looks gorgeous on her almost pale skin

I got in the shower real quick cuz I realized I smelled like shit from yesterday.

I put on the playlist Gina made me

She really likes making playlist for her friends,it's kind of her love language

"Jimmy Cooks" by Drake started playing

Once i got out of the shower,i put on my robe and brushed my hair

Oh gosh i'm gonna have to straighten my hair again

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