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                         Sunday November 19th

Dear diary,

I woke up to Gina gently shaking me

"Bitch wake up already!" I heard her say
"Andrè has called you a million times and i have so much to tell u come on" she started shaking me more

"Okay okay"I mumbled

I turned to the side so i could face her

"Look" she unlocked her phone and showed me her insta dms

She had like 50 unread messages from her exes

Just when i was about to react to that,she showed me how many followers she got since last night

I couldn't count of course,but man that was wild. She gained so many more followers

"Now come on give me your phone to see how many new dms and followers you've got" she asked me all excited

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table,unlocked it,opened instagram and before i could see anything,she took it right out of my hands

"Wowww Stella"she  kept her mouth open

"What bitch let me see" i grabbed my phone back

I was more than surprised to see that i had so many requests and unread messages but even more new followers,just like Gina

Of course it was because of Cench's story

Me and Gina were never really into social media.

Sure we like watching tiktoks and stuff but we barely post ourselves

We got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom to brush our teeth and do our skin care routine (she taught me how to do that)

"Aren't you gonna call Andrè back? He called you like 50 times and messaged you even more"Gina reminded me

I opened my messages

Mysweetboy💞:Babe wtf central cee posted you?
Mysweetboy💞:Stella wake up i miss you
Mysweetboy💞:are u mad about yesterday?
Mysweetboy💞:call me when u wake up bae

I smiled reading those messages

I facetimed him and he immediately picked it up

"Good morning to my beautiful girl" he said

"Good morning babe" i smiled

"What are you up to?"

"Um I don't know i just woke up, I'm with Gina"

Gina waved at him

"Oh that's cool that's cool" he licked his lips "so babes i saw Cench's story last night"

Gina moved away from the camera so Andrè couldn't see her and gave me the "🙄" look

"Yea that was crazy" I awkwardly answered

Stella's diary // Central CeeWhere stories live. Discover now