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                      Monday November 20th

Dear diary,

I feel like i'm still asleep,dreaming

I woke up by the sound of my phone vibrating like crazy,it almost fell out of the nightstand

I got a bit worried,thinking something bad had happened,so i opened the notification center immediately

All the notifications were from tiktok ,apparently from a video i've been tagged on or something.

When i saw that Cench did a duet with our video my jaw dropped to the floor. It wasn't anything crazy,he was just lip syncing to the lyrics of his song but he duetted us??????

I was so shocked that i didn't notice the caption he wrote

We wrote "someone get me these girls for the next video clip on Thursday"

I screamed so loud,Gina woke up

"Bitch what the hell" she groaned,yawning with her eyes still halfway closed

I just showed her the video and the caption and she sat up on the bed,with a surprised expression on her face. She turned to look at me and we both screamed excitedly

"He probably doesn't mean it tho,if he actually wanted us to be in the video clip,his management would have gotten in contact with us" i said

Gina didn't even pay attention to what i said,she was so excited

My phone vibrates once more and i check the notification.

I froze.

Gina looked at me trying to understand why

I turned to look at her and my expression is like i've seen a ghost

I show her the notification with shaky hands

(stellaxxx)centralcee:yo,i want you in central park on Thursday.9pm.hope i see u

Gina started screaming and shaking me and i was so so so excited

I couldn't believe it


Gina started freaking out

"we need to book a hair appointment,nails,lashes,we need to go shopping we need to.."

I interrupted her

"Bitch calm down,let me enjoy it for a second" i laugh

Gina calms down and laughs too

Before we know it,another notification pops up on my phone

(stellaxxx)centralcee:u'll get paid 1k,makeup,hair and clothes covered by me.

I show it to Gina

"HE'S GONNA PAY US? .....well,good thing he didn't hear me saying i'd do it for free" she laughs "Let him know we're going"

"But like..what should i say?" I ask her

She rolls her eyes and grabs my phone

She starts typing and after a moment she gives it back to me "There"

The text she send back says "we'll be there"

Usually,when she does shit like this,she screws things up but this time,her response was exactly what i wanted

"Oh my god i feel like i'm dreaming" i cover my face with my palms while smiling widely

GUYS i'm so sorry this part is so short,i've been sick and it's my exams period.I promise i'll update more often💋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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