Chapter Two

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Katniss's POV

As I walk into Rue's room, I catch Johanna Mason's final words, "Someone like, Katniss Everdeen." I grab onto the chair beside me and my eyes flicker to Rue. Her mouth is open with horror as she runs from the room, knowing to grab Cinna and get out of the house. She's growing up to fast, I think, before my mind is bombarded with horrific images.

First, I see my little sister's name being pulled out at the reaping. Then, I see little Rue, my ally in the games, tiny and sweet, covered in flowers. Next, I see Cato, mad by the mutts, falling to his death. Then, there is Mags, falling to the ground from the poisonous gas. Then comes Finnick, being pulled apart by the mutts in the drain. Finally, there's Peeta, but he's too far away to touch.

For me, I think, they all died for me. My hand slams on the table as I pick up the phone to call Johanna. As the phone rings, I look out the window to see Rue and Cinna running over to Victor's Village. Good they're okay, Rue knows what to do.

"I figured I'd be hearing from you," Johanna says through the phone.

"Mentors?" I say, trying to be firm, but it comes out as more of a question.

"It was smart," she explains, "A widow with two children and she's a victor? Pure television."

I start to get angry with her, "You know about the nightmares! You know perfectly well that I can't do this!" Johanna is silent, she knows too much from her own games. How it would be impossible for me to send two kids to slaughter.

"Listen, I know that it's been rough on you," Johanna answers, "But toughen up. Think of it, this way, you're ending the Hunger Games forever and you're going to do all you can to keep these kids alive." I don't think I've ever heard her be this sentimental.

"But..." I stutter, "He's not... I can't."

"Katniss," Johanna interrupts, "I know Peeta's not here. I know that this is hard. But you need to get out of this state where you pretend to be brave when you aren't. Do it for your kids. Be brave. End the Hunger Games forever."

My mind stops, but I hear myself answer, "Okay." I can almost see the wicked grin on Johanna's face.

"Then I guess I'll see you next week. Peacemakers will be by to collect your things and move you and your family to the capitol. You will all become capitol citizens for the time being. Happy Hunger Games Katniss." She hangs up the phone before I have the chance to respond. My children... will become capitol citizens. Instead of dialing the phone to call back Johanna, I start dialing Haymitch's number. It rings a few times before I hear Effie's chirpy voice answer the phone.

"Hello Katniss!"

I get straight to the point and ask, "Are the kids there?"

She takes a pause, but then says, "Yes, they are here... Katniss what did you say to Johanna?" Rue must have told her what happened.

"Well Effie, I said yes."

Effie makes a little shrieking noise before saying, "You said yes?!"

Rue's POV

"Come on Mom, let's go to the market!" I say, trying to persuade her away from the T.V, knowing of the foul words that are about to come. My mother says nothing. I start running down the stairs when I hear the phone being dialed. I hurry up because I know the shouting will soon begin. I rush by Cinna sitting on the couch, watching the workers building the house next door. I grab him, holding him in my arms, and then continue to run. We burst out the door, just as I hear Mom beginning to shout upstairs. I used to do this when Dad had flashbacks, except I would be taking Mom far away from him. When we get far enough away from the house, I put Cinna down.

In his sweet, little voice he asks, "Where are we goin?"

"Haymitch called. He wants us to go see him, okay? It'll be fun!" I lie while using a chirpy voice. Mom and I try to keep him from as many of our problems as possible because we want him to keep his innocence. He's only six, so he doesn't need to know about any of this. Cinna nods and we start walking towards town square. The cobblestone is inlaid with the seal of Panem, The new seal, the one with my mother's bird in the middle. I lead Cinna around the outside so that I don't draw attention to us. We walk around town until we reach the path to Victor's village. As we walk down the path I see the houses where, according to my mother, victors from the Hunger Games lived. Now all the houses in district 12 are as nice as these. We're lucky, life has gotten a lot better for the people in the districts of Panem.

When we finally reach Haymitch and Effie's doorstep, I don't bother ringing the doorbell before leading Cinna through the door. "Haymitch?" I yell. After hearing my voice, Haymitch stumbles to the hallway.

"Hey there kids," He starts, his breath smells of cheap liquor.

I interrupt him, saying, "Cinna, why don't you go play outside for a bit? I need to talk to Haymitch." Cinna nods, and then runs out the door to go play.

"So I'm guessing your mother saw the interview," Haymitch says, taking a seat in the kitchen.

"Of course she did. Why else would we be here?" I respond, completely out of breath.

"You know, you get more and more like your mother everyday. The sarcasm is getting old, Rue."

"Your breath smelling like booze is getting a little old too, Haymitch." He doesn't respond. Whenever we talk, we're always arguing. But that's the way it's always been, so I never think too much of it. "Do you think Mom's really going to be a mentor?" I ask, not knowing if I really want to know the answer.

"I don't know sweetheart," he sighs, "I can't read her mind. But if I know Katniss, whatever decision she makes will be the right one in the long run." For some reason, even his drunken state, the right answer seems to always come out of his mouth.

"Hello darling!" Effie shrieks as she walks into the room. Somehow, back when the dark days were ending, Haymitch and Effie started to get along really well. Now they live together here in Victor's Village. They aren't officially married, but they don't really need to be. They act like a married couple anyway. For some reason, I suspect they only live here to keep an eye on my mother. Which is good in times like these.

"Hi Effie," I say, forcing a smile. Her heels click as she walks over to me and wraps me up in a big hug.

I stand there awkwardly for a moment before she finally stops and says, "I can't believe that interview. Your mother? A mentor? That is truly the craziest thing I have ever heard in my whole life." Although she's over exaggerating, her words do make me feel the slightest bit better.

"Now Effie," Haymitch says, "We don't know what her decision will be, so don't put any ideas in the girl's head." Then, the phone rings. My mother most likely, checking to make sure that Cinna and I made it to Haymitch's.

Again, Effie's heels click over to the phone and then she says, "Hello Katniss!" A moment of silence, "Yes, they are here.. Katniss, what did you say to Johanna?" Effie wastes no time before saying, "You said yes?!" I gasp. I can't believe my mother would do this; take part in something that she has nightmares about. Something that almost killed her on the inside. She basically lost the her husband because of it. Now she's sending kids to their deaths.

"She's coming over." Effie says, her voice no longer full of joy.

"I can't believe her!" I say in rage.

Before I can continue, Haymitch interrupts, "Now don't be upset with her. You have no idea what she went through. Maybe by doing this, she'll finally get some closure." Closure by killing off kids.

"I just can't believe she's doing this without..." Effie starts to say.

"Peeta," Haymitch finishes, "I have no idea how she'll do this without your father."

She's strong, just, not strong enough.

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