Babysitter -noah

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Nelson and niles have a babysitter because their parents had a double date so noah comes home and thinks shes cute since hes never seen her babysit the younger brothers before so they end up cuddling during the movie. 

Vienna's pov:
im vienna i have two sisters and both my sisters are dating two of the neumann brothers and i babysit the neumann brothers well only niles and nelson i dont babysit noah since hes like 17 i think but lets get back to what i was doing.
I was getting ready to go to the Neumanns since cassie and their dad had to go out for some stuff and wanted me to babysit so i accepted.
I got to their house and saw nelson and niles playing basketball as cassie and their dad walked out dressed up as they greeted me leaving me with nelson and niles so i played with them until we all got tired and went inside
"Nelson,niles what do you guys wanna eat since im gonna make something" they looked at each other and grinned "mac and cheese!" Nelson yelled out as my sisters valentine and valorie walked into their house coming back from volleyball practice since they had a game in a month and wanted to improve. "NELSON!" Valorie yelled out from behind nelson as he jumped up and fell out of his seat "MA your back!" He said excited as he kissed her and valentine and niles went to cuddle in the living room. I sighed as i didnt really have a boyfriend then valentine and valorie said at the same time "yk vee you should date noah hes an amazing person just like these two but hes just older and by older we mean hes your age" they said in sync as my eyes widen then i finished making the mac and cheese and served some to the children and ate some myself then some was left so i put it in a plate and covered it with something and after a few mins we all watched as we 1v1ed each other and laughed as some of us would lose and some would win.
Then eventually after a few more rounds a boy who looked really similar to niles and nelson walked in "hey niles wheres mom?" He said as niles looked at him while he giggles "she left with dad for a little date or sum idk but they were dressed up" he said shrugging i smiled and giggled as the boy looked at me curious "no niles they were at a DOUBLE date with their friends since them and their friends have the same anniversary idiot" i said hitting niles in the back of the head softly and he side eyes me "oww! Valentine telll your sister to stop hitting me when i get stuff wrong!" valentine sighed as she hugged niles i giggled and gasped "WANNA WATCH RATATOUILLE?" I yelled in a french accent since my family was french but i was the only one with the french accent since i was the one who went to french class for my whole elementary years "OMG YESSS!,YESSS!!" Everybody yelled out as i turned my head towards the boy and smiled at him "wanna join?" I asked him as he nodded and sat next to me laying his head on my shoulder i blushed and smiled as the movie played

After the movie finished:
Their mom walked in first as their dad walked right after her and they walked into the living room saw noah and me cuddling, nelson and valorie in a weird suspicious position which they always are in since their both dirty little teens, and niles snuggling his body into valentines laying his head into her chest as he felt warm. "Oh my..." their mom said "oh god..." their dad said "they fell asleep during ratatouille?" Their mom asked and their dad nodded "oh hey atleast noah found a new girlfriend but shes gonna be babysitting alot isnt she?" Their mom said as the dad stayed quiet looking around the room and walked to the kitchen "atleast they've eaten cassie!" He said as she walked into the kitchen and saw the leftover mac and cheese and smiled "the kids love viennas mac and cheese!" He nods and she then says "why wont we cover them and let them sleep until tomorrow okay?" He smiles "perfect then we dont have to wake them up" she nods.

The next morning everyone was having breakfast as noah was still asleep with vienna but the other children were eating
"Wheres noah?" Their mom asked as they shrugged "probably still asleep with our sister" the two sisters eating breakfast with their boyfriends say their mom nodded "okay ig ill make them pancakes later!" She says then vienna and noah come in tired "what time is it?" Vienna asked "9:30 in the morning idiot" valorie said as nelson pulled her back onto his lap "bruh we woke up for nothing" vienna said looking at noah "idk i just wanted to wake up" he said shrugging but his mom then said happily "vienna i made you two your favourite pancakes since you both love chocolate chip pancakes!" She said happy noah and viennas eyes widen "WHAT?!" They both look at each other rushing towards the first plate of pancakes she made as she was making another one "i want that- no i do- no ido-No- YE-" his mom sighed "THE BOTH OF YOU WILL GET A PLATE NOW ONE OF PICK IT UP AND START EATING AS I MAKE THE OTHER PLATE!" She quietly yells as the two sit down and noah starts eating quietly then vienna starts eating as she gets her plate too.

In noahs room:
We were playing 2k when noah fried me and i groaned as this was the fifth time i lost "damn why are you so good?" He shrugged "idk im just that good and hot!" i giggle fixing his curls he smiled back kissing me finally. my eyes widened in surprise since i never expected him to kiss me but he did i kiss back as we pull away "wanna be my boyfriend since im so lonely?" I ask while giggling "ofcourse vee whatever you want ill accept it" he nods chuckling as she kisses his cheek "i love you" he said as if he spills his heart out to her "i love you too" i say in the same way as him and we smile at each other as were now officially together.

Finally made a noah one.
1103 words.

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