All Eyes On Me

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As I walked into the great hall a hush seemed to fall over the room. I see my uncle first, sitting at the front of the room at a long table, lots of what I assume to be teachers sitting next to him. To the right I see my friends, my eyes meet Harry's and my heart skips a beat. He's so handsome, his smile makes me feel warm, like Christmas morning when you're 5 years old and Santa is still real. I look to my left and scan the room, I see lots of faces, some I recognized from the train and then there he was, the blonde boy. Malfoy. My stomach jumped to my throat and I could feel it beating faster as his eyes stayed glued to mine, a devilish smirk spreading across his face. I shake him off and walk towards the Gryffindor table, Hermione stands up and wraps me in the biggest hug "I knew it! I just knew you'd be a Gryffindor." I laugh as we sit down and start to enjoy our dinner. I've never seen so much food....we weren't exactly poor growing up but most of my dinners were centered abound boxed mac and cheese and pizza rolls. I can't believe this is my life now. As we sit and talk my new friends tell me all about Hogwarts and who's who. "So the Malfoy boy," I say swallowing, "Why do you all hate him?" I can see Harry's jaw clenching, "He's practically tortured all of us and plenty of other people for the past 5 years. He's a git. Not to mention his dad is a death eater and he hates muggle borns." Ron snorts as he chews through the last of his sentence. I glance over to Hermione who is looking down at her plate, she has a look of sorrow on her face. "He throws around the word mudblood like it's nothing," she practically whispered, a single tear falling down her face. She quickly wipes it away thinking no one's noticed, "He's really not a good person Camie, don't trust him." She said as my uncle approached our table, "Camille, I would like a word with you after dinner, meet me outside of the Slytherin common room." I nod my head not wanting to speak to him after the way he charged out of Dumbledore's office like that, I mean really who does he think he is? I met him just hours ago and he seems to think he's going to be the new boss of my life, not to mention he never cared about me before, or my mother....

Throughout the rest of dinner we kept things light, Harry, Hermione and I talking about our favorite no mag or as they called them, muggle traditions, Ron listening in and laughing when I told him about the traps I used to set for the Easter Bunny, apparently that didn't translate to the UK or the wizarding world. After dinner I took my time walking to the Slytherin common room, dreading the talk with my uncle, I heard Harry call my name from behind and I turned to see him almost running toward me, "Camie, be careful" he panted, he handed me a note and I slipped it in my pocket, "Read that when you get back to your room" he smiled as he turned and ran back to where Ron was waiting for him. As I turned back around I came face to face with the blonde haired boy. "Hi there, your uncle asked me to make sure you knew where to find him," he slipped his arm through mine as we began to walk towards the end of the hall, I was stunned, I could barely get the breath in and out of my lungs much less any words out of my mouth. I saw my uncle in front of me, my whole body tensed up and it seemed like Malfoy noticed because he squeezed my arm tightly against his. "What took you so long?" My uncle asked as he glared at me and then to Malfoy. "Potter." Malfoy spat back at my uncle as if he didn't care he was a teacher, he wasn't afraid of him at all. "Camille I want you to listen to me very closely, you are not to befriend Harry Potter, he is no ally to you. I am working on getting you put in Slytherin where you should be. I will not let you end up like your mother." His words cut me deep like a blade, I could feel the anger building in me, it felt like I was on fire. "Excuse me but you don't know me, you don't know anything about me, and you certainly aren't going to tell me who I can and cannot be friends with." I could feel Malfoy holding me back like he thought I was going to lunge at my uncle. How dare he speak to me like that and how dare he mention my mother. "I will not be moving houses and I will be friends with Harry and whoever else I choose to be friends with. And for your information my mother was the most amazing and kind person I have ever met, she was a brilliant witch and I would be happy to be a fraction of the woman she was." My uncle looked at me as if I was disgusting, another disappointment. "You will never speak to me like that again, Camille. I am your guardian. Draco here will be watching you, he will protect you and make sure you don't make anymore regrettable decisions." He turned away and marched down the hallway, strutting like he owned the castle, what a smug bastard. I looked at Malfoy, his eyes on me, intense but somewhat nervous and soft, "I don't need a babysitter," I yanked my arm away from him, "and I would appreciate it if you would stay the hell away from me and my friends." I turned to walk away as he grabbed my hand and pushed me into the wall, "Now, now, I know you're new here but you won't be speaking to me like that little one. It's in your best interest that you don't make an enemy out of me." He was so close to me I could feel his breath, he smelled clean, like mint and some kind of cologne, his eyes piercing mine. I pulled away from him and ran down the hallway, tears falling down my face, "I'll be seeing you." I heard him say as I rounded the corner. It's my first day and I already have enemies. Maybe I'm not cut out to be here, more suited for homeschooling and the real world . I shook my head as if trying to shake the notion completely. I deserved to be here, I know that and my only objective was to make my mother proud of me, no matter who tried to get in my way.

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