And Now What?

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We woke early the next morning, still tangled up in each other. We got dressed and walked back to the commons, hand in hand under the invisibility cloak. As we walked I wondered how many times our dads had used the cloak, presumably sneaking off somewhere they weren't supposed to, maybe to be with our moms. The thought made me smile. We made it back before anyone woke up, Harry kissed me as we parted ways and we were able to sneak into our beds like we'd been there all along. I lay there in the silence, unable to fall back asleep even if I wanted to. Pictures of the evening before playing in my mind like a movie, I so desperately wanted to have known my father. I wanted to know why my mother lied to me for so many years, I wondered if my uncle knew. If he did I'm sure he wouldn't tell me anything, then there was Harry, so gentle and all encompassing. No one ever made me feel so seen and special in my entire life, I didn't want to lose him.

I could hear the girls stirring around me, the sun shining through our windows, and suddenly Hermione was sitting on the foot of my bed. "Got in a bit late didn't we," she smiled, I should've known she couldn't be fooled. I laughed and nodded my head, "Well go on then!!! Tell me everything!" And so I did. She sat there, eyes wide and her hand covering her mouth, "Camie!" She squealed as she hugged me, "I don't think I've ever been happier for two people in my life." Just as we were getting up to get ready for the day Ginny stormed by, shoulder checking me on her way out of the dormitory. I nearly fell over, Hermione caught me before I did. "Hey!," I shouted after her, "Are you blind?" She stopped in her tracks and walked back over to me. I looked up at her, she was a few inches taller than me, I could see pure hatred in her eyes. "You need to leave Harry alone, you're only going to hurt him. You don't even know him." She spat at me. "I know him well enough to know he wouldn't be happy to see the way you're treating me. I can see you care about him Ginny and I do too. I won't hurt him." She rolled her eyes at me, "Yeah we'll see what Draco has to say about that." A hush fell over the room and Ginny stormed out, Hermione looked at me and before she could say anything, I ran away to the bathroom. She didn't follow me and I stepped into the shower, letting the water wash away the tears I could feel falling down my cheeks.

Maybe Ginny was right, how could I have feelings for Draco and Harry, especially after what happened between the two of us last night. Neither of them would ever forgive me if they knew, how could they. And Harry and Ginny have been through so much together, how could she not love him, even if she was dating Dean. I'm sure he loved her too, but is it the same kind of love? I knew that I needed to talk to him, about Draco and Ginny, we didn't talk about what last night meant, where we stand. I could feel my heart sink in my chest, not wanting to lose Harry. I finished getting ready and made my way down to the great hall for breakfast, the boys had a quidditch game so I'm sure they'd be there already, Hermione had gone ahead of me as well. I knew she'd ask me about Draco I was just hoping it wouldn't be in front of Harry. I walked in and saw the three of them, Ginny sitting opposite Harry, I could see he'd saved me a seat. He looked up and we locked eyes, my heart softening a bit. He stood up as I approached and kissed me, right in front of everyone. It made me feel good but also terrified. I could see the anger spread across Ginny's face, Ron smiled, almost like he was proud of Harry, Hermione gave a polite smile but her eyes searched mine. Just then I saw him out of the corner of my eye, his white hair, as he stormed out of the hall. We sat and  the conversation went back to the game, Luna joining us then. Ron was a mess, completely nervous, Harry took his goblet, pretending to pour something in which confused me a bit. Luna commented on it, asking Harry why he'd poured something in there and if it had to do with Ron's nerves, "Liquid Luck? Don't drink it Ron!" Hermione said enraged at the idea, I kept my mouth shut, knowing he hadn't really put anything in there. "You could be expelled!" She snapped. "I don't know what you're talking about" Harry said as Ron drank the juice in one gulp, the two of them along with Ginny standing to leave for the game, Ron looking more confident than ever now. Harry squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek as he went to leave, "Good luck," I whispered to him, he smiled and the three of them were off. It was just Hermione and I then, Luna busy talking with Neville. "I'm not going to ask Camille, because I don't want to know the answer. I will say that it would kill Harry to know if there was something between you and Malfoy. You have to make a choice." Her tone was genuine but firm. I nodded, "I won't hurt him Hermione, I promise."

We finished eating and the two of us with Luna in tow headed for the quidditch fields. My uncle was waiting at the end of the hall, knowing he'd want to speak with me I told Hermione to go on ahead and I'd catch up. "Uncle." I said curtly, "Camille, I would like to address the matter of your relationship with Mr. Potter and let you know of my complete and utter disdain for him and the entire situation. Please end it." He turned to walk away as I shouted out after him, "I know about my father, why didn't you tell me?" He stopped walking and turned to look at me, "You knew didn't you! You should've told me." He shook his head and turned back around and walked away. I could feel tears on the brink of coming out, fire burning inside me. He was such a coward. I turned to go and meet Hermione when I was met with a pair of broad shoulders in a black suit, I looked up and there he was. His eyes piercing mine, sadness filling them as we stood there in silence. "Draco please let me explain," he put his fingers to my lips, silencing me. "I am here to say I never wish to speak to you again. You're disgusting and vile. Pathetic Potter, really? A disgrace to your family." His fingers lingered a moment longer, the tears falling down my face now, he wiped them off, trailing his hand down my face, his eyes softening and then hardening once again, he walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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