Chapter II

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Chapter II

The night went by quickly. Minecraft, Call of Duty, and Destiny make the day go by at warp speed. Before I knew it, it was already 10:41pm. I turned off my laptop and plugged it into the wireless charger I had gotten for my birthday, and started getting ready for bed. Well, not exactly 'bed', more like an adventure.

When I saw the light in Dad's room go off, I waited a few minutes, got out of bed, and slowly tiptoed down the stairs, making sure I was as quiet as possible. I eventually reached the door to the basement.

The door looked almost futuristic, like it was prepared for a severe storm or one of those underground rooms people use in tornado movies. But why? We live in (insert some place that doesn't get much weather wise). That freaked me out.

Maybe I should go back. What if I find something I don't want to know or see?  But I have to find out what this secret basement was. Is it even basement?  Was this even a good idea? Was I really ready to find out what Dad had been hiding for all these years?

I decided to put my fears aside and open the door. Tons of steam surrounded me. The

smell was almost bitter. I fanned it out of my way, squinting my eyes and walked down the rotten wooden steps. I could tell they were repainted countless times, but it seemed to just make the stairs more dilapidated.

    I carefully continued down the steps, hoping that they wouldn't break. Finally, I was at the end of the staircase. Another futuristic door, covered with black, red, blue, and green wires. This door had a lock that could only be unlocked with number combination.

    Mom's birthday! I entered in the date, month, and year. The lock began flashing green. A compartment under the lock popped opened. The tiny screen above the lock blinked the words, "Insert Ring."

    A wave of sweat hit me. The door started beeping, louder and louder and glowing red. I started slapping and hitting door, trying to get it to quiet down, but it only got louder. Dad's gonna kill me if he found out I was sneaking around here.

Heavy footsteps quickly scattered down the steps. How is he not breaking them? I dove under the staircase curled up in a ball. Please don't find me.

Dad approached the door angrily. He grunted in irritation.

"(Insert creator's name here) got to get this fixed. This is the third time this month." He examined the compartment shooting out of the door and the small screen now displaying the words 'Intruder.'

"Intruding in on my sleep,that's what!" Dad huffed.

He dug into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a gold object. He rubbed his eyes sleepily before putting it into the compartment and slamming it back into the door. "There, you damn door," he yawned. The door stopped glowing, flashing, and bleeping all at once. The door opened by itself and the same bitter steam from before engulfed his body. It was like he disappeared like some scene in a movie. This was all too real.

"No intruder," Dad said as he returned back from the inside the door. He entered the pass code once again and put the object back into his robe's pocket.  "No intruder," he repeated, dragging himself up the steps, lightly closing the door behind him.

"Weird," I said to myself.

I stood up from under the stairs and walked by the door. I place my hand over all the wires and gadgets around it. I decided that's enough for tonight and returned upstairs after Dad went to his bed again, which didn't take long.

I laid in my bed wondering. What does that door lead to?  Why have I never heard those crazy door noises before? Why would Dad keep me from this?

Where does Dad keep that object he used to open the door?

What even was that thing?

I shook my head. The other reasonable side of me kicked in. Dad's got this under control. Whatever it is. He's keeping it away from me for a reason. For my safety. Like he's said before, he'll tell me when I'm ready. I hope.

The other side in my mind argued back. Dad never keeps anything from me. He can't even control his own self, let alone my safety. This is something I must know. What if Dad is in danger? I'm ready to know now and he knows that.

Maybe I can talk to him about it tomorrow. But then he'll know I was the 'intruder of his sleep.' He'll be so mad and disappointed that I went against his word. It wouldn't be the first time, though.

I yawned. "Stop worrying. You worry too much for your age. Just know we love you and that will always stand. Things work out on their own. They work out how they're suppose to. You can't force what happens all the time," I could hear Mom tell me, when see looked down in my eyes years ago.

It'll work out on it's own....but maybe this could use a little push.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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