Part 2

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The pack house was beautiful; a giant white structure built into the side of the cliff with tinted glass panelling one entire side. I sensed Leo grinning besides me and I wondered how such a magnificent building wasn’t visible from the beach. As if reading my mind, Leo spoke.

“The heather and bracken built up on the front obscures it from the beach but still gives us a great view of the sea.” He said. I nodded appreciatively as I cast my gaze out to the sparkling waters of the English Channel. Beautiful.

He towed me on towards the house. Pulling open the glass door for me, I gasped as I entered. The whole interior was white, bright and sleek, with modern furnishings that gave the whole place a rich feel. Plush, dark leather sofas were angled out to face the sea and a large, open-plan kitchen was visible towards the back end of the property, with sleek, black countertops. I gaped as Leo pushed me inside gently.

I saw a figure shift on the sofa and realized someone was present. They stood up and I saw it was an older girl – probably around twenty five years old – who seemed the older female equivalent of Leo. Leo shoved his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes as she approached.

“My sister” he said curtly.

The girl crossed her arms as she neared, sizing me up.

“Who’s this, Leo?” she asked sharply. I shot him a sideways glance and he nodded, almost imperceptibly.

“Er, just a girl who needed a bed to crash in for the night” he hedged and I smiled hastily at the girl, glad Leo had taken the hint. I couldn’t stand the idea of everyone offering me sympathy for the whole night. The girl’s nose wrinkled.

“Leo” she said in a warning tone “You know you’re not supposed to bring in strays. You know Cameron doesn’t like that.”

Her eyes gleamed and she emphasised each word as if there was a double meaning behind them. I eyed Leo nervously.

“I can go if there’s…” I said quickly.

“No” he cut me off and his eyes softened when he looked down at me “It’s fine – I’ll straighten it out with the Alpha.”

I nodded awkwardly and the girl shrugged.

“Your funeral.” She said flippantly.

“That’s enough, Miranda” he growled at his sister and she rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything. She wandered off to the kitchen, her dark, wavy hair bobbing. Leo smiled and gestured for me to follow him up the spiral staircase opposite where we came in. I complied, unwilling to remain down here with Miranda’s disapproving gaze.

The upstairs hallway was slightly more homey and luxurious; the floors were carpeted red and the walls were a warm cream. Leo twisted with ease down the maze of corridors before turning the handle of one of the doors.

“You can have this room” he said and I walked in slowly.

“Are you sure?” I said for the tenth time and he smirked.

“For the final time, YES” he announced and I smiled, scanning the room. It wasn’t huge but large enough for the king-sized bed in its centre and the sliding mirrored wardrobe that covered one whole wall. A sliding glass door led onto a balcony that also had a sea view. I smiled.

“It’s lovely – thank you”

“Anytime Lu- hey, we should really change your name if you don’t want to be faced with the pity committee” he said and I flopped on the inviting bed sheets.

“Yeah” I muttered, on the verge of dying and going to duvet heaven.

“How about Lucy?” he suggested helpfully “It’s close to your real name so we shouldn’t forget and if we do, we can say it was a slip up”

“Good idea” I replied “Does this place have a bathroom?”

“En-suite” he said with a grin “Through that door near the balcony”

I sighed with contentment. A real, flushing toilet for once.

“I’ll talk to Alpha Cameron. Breakfast’s around eight. Would you like me to fetch you?” he said and I smiled into the sheets.

“That would be great, thanks” I said and he padded off, letting the door swing shut behind him. I kicked off the flip flops and let my bag slip onto the floor, crawling under the sheets. Tiredness overcame me and I slipped into a deep slumber.

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