Part 3

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I awoke and the first thing I became aware of was the soft caress of a pillow beneath my head. A real pillow! I sighed contentedly and snuggled deep into its warm embrace.

Eventually the penetrating sun rays streaming through the curtains nudged me out of bed and the previous day’s events came flooding back. I looked down and, upon realizing I was still wearing my clothes from the previous day, I dashed into the en-suite room and hopped into the shower. The hot water warmed my very soul and I had to prise myself out after a half hour. I wrapped a towel around my body and padded back into the room. Now for clothes…

I began rifling through the wardrobe, which was decidedly bare and when I heard the door click, I jumped and fumbled to ensure my towel was correctly covering all the necessary areas. It was Leo; his face flushing as bright as mine definitely would’ve been at that moment. He mumbled an apology, deposited a pile – which thankfully looked like fresh clothes – on the bed and stumbled out, shouting back that he would be waiting outside. I hurriedly dried myself and tugged on the clothes, which were a tiny bit too big – a white t-shirt, denim shorts, a light blue cardigan and flip flops. I checked the labels and stifled a whistle. Designer. Wow.

I tried to run a brush through my tangled mane but after I realized I was making no progress, I shoved my hair up in a messy bun with a hair bobble I discovered at the bottom of a bathroom cupboard. Looking semi-presentable, I went out to meet Leo in the hallway.

“Breakfast?” he asked politely. My stomach, on cue, released a pitiful growl and he smirked. I grimaced, mortified by my uncontrollable bodily functions.

“Um, yeah” I muttered.

We walked down the corridor in an awkward silence and I caught him eyeing me nervously out the corner of my eye. He eventually spoke.

“So…I talked the Alpha” he began. I nodded, trying not to show any expression. Oh well – it was good whilst it lasted.

“You can stay…for a bit” he continued and I allowed myself a small smile.

“Thanks” I replied graciously “But I’ll probably be heading out tonight”

Or tomorrow – so I can have one more sleep on that bed of heaven, instead of on a tree branch…

“Stay” he blurted out quickly and then rushed to correct himself “It’s nice to have someone to hang round with. Everyone else round here…is usually preoccupied.”

“With what?” I asked.

“Pack stuff” he blurted out quickly. Too quickly to be convincing. I didn’t push it.

“So what do you do for fun around here?” I offered and his smile broadened.

“…hang out at the beach, surf, music…” he listed as we began down the stairs. I perked up.

“What kind of music do you listen to?”

“Oh, um” he blushed “I play instruments”

“Wow” I said “What instruments?”

“Oh, you know…any” he looked distinctly embarrassed. Oh no – this was a conversation topic he couldn’t just drop.

Every instrument?” I asked with mock disbelief and he rolled his eyes.

“No – just piano and violin…” he said. I beamed.

“Cool – maybe you could show me sometime.”

“Okay” he said. And that was all.

We entered the kitchen, which was surprisingly deserted. The large dining table sprawled across the vast room on the other side of the sleek black breakfast bar, easily having a capacity to seat at least twenty people. I realized that a whole other room stretched out behind the high-tec kitchen and Leo headed towards a cupboard with the speed of someone who knew the position of everywhere here off by heart. I wondered just how long Leo had been here.

“So where is everybody?” I questioned and Leo shrugged.

“Out. Most tend to eat their breakfast around seven to eight-ish and  clear off on business, school or work stuff.”

I glanced around and caught side of a clock hung on the wall above the fridge.

“Half eleven?” I exclaimed “I slept in that late!”

Leo shrugged his shoulders again.

“Thought you needed your sleep. You seemed pretty exhausted last night.” He held up a packet of pain au chocolats, raising an eyebrow. I nodded eagerly and he placed five in the microwave, fiddling with the buttons. I idled at the breakfast bar, unsure of what to do.

“Don’t you have school?” I suddenly thought and he grimaced.

“Dropped out. I’m not an academic person.” He said flatly. I didn’t reply. Not a lot you can say to that.

After five minutes, he retrieved the pastries and transferred them onto a plate. He held it out to me and I plucked one off the pile, nibbling at the corner. It was delicious. Watching my reaction, he dropped the plate on the countertop and took one himself, wolfing it down unselfconsciously.

His eyes twinkled as he took another.

“So what shall we do?”   

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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