Part 1

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Hello Readers!

This is intended to be the sequel to another one of my stories called 'The Alpha's Mate' although I will stress that you don't have to have read it to read this one! It's probably full of typos and cliches, since it was my first wattpad story but, if you like this, why not give it a go?! Or vice versa!!!

This is a story from Luna's perspective - a character from 'The Alpha's Mate'- and takes place around half a year after the event of my previous story.



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The beach was packed today.

It was one of those rare sunny days that are precious and few in England and several tourists had set out windbreaks and beach mats to take advantage of the warm weather. I, myself, had purchased a pair of cheap yellow flip flops for the pure thrill of feeling the hot sand on my feet whilst I weaved my way through the maze of people. As soon as the sun disappeared again – for that fact was certain – I would toss them in the nearest bin. Living as a lone werewolf meant travelling light; anything unnecessary was left behind. I had indulged myself with this footwear. Normally I wouldn’t be as whimsical with my buys.

The other end of the cove seemed considerably quieter. The cliff was casting a large shadow over this end and few tourists dare sacrifice the sun for space. However, I was one of them. Whereas less than a year ago I had been one of the most sociable, outgoing people you could ever come across, I had grown more solitary…


…since, him.

I shook my head vehemently as if the action would rid me of the memory. I had to forget. I refused to cry another tear over…Kellan.

I sauntered over to the boulders that lined the bottom of the cliff and hoisted myself onto one of the rocks. Devon was busy this time of year and it was nice to have a moment to myself, apart from all the hustle and bustle. Naturally I was alone when I travelled through the woods in wolf form but it was nice to be within the reaches of human civilisation but hear nothing but the muted chatter of distant beach-goers. I flopped onto one of the boulders and dropped my tattered satchel at my feet, containing my small supply of simple, necessary clothes. At present, I wore a simple blue t-shirt and denim short with the yellow flip flops. It was hardly stylish but it was good enough.


A male shout sounded behind me and I froze. Instinctively, I snatched my bag and leapt into a defensive position, ready to run at a second’s notice. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and saw a boy poking his head out from behind one of the boulders, a frown on his face.

“What are you doing on our territory?” he demanded. I already knew by his scent that he was a werewolf. I peered at him through the shadows and could just about distinguish dark brown locks and dark green eyes that seemed to penetrate into my very soul causing me to recoil slightly. His skin was unusually pale and a dark smattering of freckles peppered his cheeks.

“I-I’m s-sorry” I stuttered, backing off slightly “I didn’t realize – I’ll go…”

His face softened slightly.

“No, no, it’s fine. Just check in with the Alpha. Trying to keep the dangerous rogues out, is all.” He explained, leaping up on the boulder. I shook my head, stumbling back onto the sand. I tried to avoid contact with weres these days. It reminded me too much of when I was in the pack – with Kellan.

“It’s alright” I said, laughing nervously. He looked slightly puzzled, his eyebrows knitting together in a hard line on his forehead.

“Well I’m Leo” he offered and I smiled politely.

“Luna” I replied with my own name. A spark of recognition flashed in those intelligent green eyes.

“You’re not…Aren’t you Kellan’s mate?” he blurted out. I winced and turned to sprint off.

“Wait! I’m sorry!” he grabbed my wrist and I tugged at it.

“Let go!” I yelled and he shot me a pleading look.

“Please Luna!” he said softly “That came out wrong! I’m sorry! Just come back to the pack house for a rest – we have spare beds. You don’t have to stay long!”

I hesitated. A bed did sound good; I had spent the majority of my nights so far curled up on patches of grass or woodland clearing. And if I didn’t have to stay permanently…I could go when I wanted, keep my freedom…

“I’m not joining the pack or anything” I declared and he nodded eagerly “Or meeting loads of people who’ll want me to talk about it” The last part came out a whisper and again, he nodded.

“Fine.” I muttered and he smiled. He took my hand and led me back off the beach, up a narrow beach path that appeared to lead to nowhere. After several minutes of walking, a large house built into the side of the cliff, several fields up from the beach, emerged into my line of vision. I gasped as Leo smirked.

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