Oblivion Crisis Arc: Peryite

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Everyone arrived at Peryite's shrine noticing his priests were frozen in place.
"Oh yeah they've done it." Said Kaminari.
They took a look around.
"They're still standing but they're not even blinking." Said Uraraka.
"This is actually horrifying. What kind of ritual caused this?" Asked Todoroki.
The shrine started speaking.
"These ones move! A welcome change. So, mortals, you have found my shrine, and you have seen my followers."
"Yeah they're not moving an inch. What happened to them?" Asked Uraraka.
"They are an embarrassment to me. The fools cast a spell in the hopes of summoning me to them. It was prideful and foolish, and it has had its consequences. My followers are trapped between worlds; their bodies here on this plane, their souls in Oblivion. I would have you reunite the bodies and the souls. I will transport you to the plane of Oblivion in which they are trapped. Find their souls. When all are collected, I will return you here. Return to me when you are prepared." Said Peryite.
"I would be careful. This prince is considered one of the more evil ones. He's the Prince of Pestilence and you could get sick along with everyone else." Said Nahsi.
"That is true but this is about reuniting souls." Said Kirishima.
"I'm just saying he's capable of creating plagues to wipe out an entire continent." Said Nahsi.
"Yeah he can. But I'm sure he would do that this time. Especially with his followers around." Said Kirishima.
"I think I'm ready." Said Deku.
"Anyone else ready?" Asked Kaminari.
Everyone nodded.
"Lord Peryite. Please open the portal to Oblivion."
"Very well. No one leaves until my followers are free." Said Peryite.
A portal to his realm opened and they entered revealing an ocean of lava with grey ashy islands.
On the islands there were slime filled craters and bare purple trees.
"Wow strange plane." Said Deku.
"Okay we may have to split up. There are five followers in total. Once you freed a follower you meet right back at this spot." Said Kirishima.
"We'll wait here for you." Said Cyrus.
Deku walked around already finding a follower looking ghost like.
"Lord Peryite where are you?" He asked.

Sir don't worry I'm here to help." Said Deku.
The follower didn't respond and instead walked around.
"He cannot hear you. Please use the crystal in your helmet I gave you." Said Peryite.
"Crystal?" He took off his helmet and found a green crystal inside.
He used it on the follower and he disappeared with the crystal.
"That's one follower. Why didn't you do it yourself?" Asked Deku.
"Because the ritual prevents me from being physically visible to them. That's why I waited for moving mortals to do this." Said Peryite.
"I can hear you though." Said Deku.
"Yes but that's because you weren't a part of the ritual. At least they didn't try to become immortal. I've seen several necromancers attempt it an failed miserably. Some succeeded but why? Why do they do it? Why do people want to live forever?" Asked Peryite rhetorically.
"I have a feeling you're just mad because you can't kill them with your plagues." Said Deku.
"They can get sick and possibly suffer eternally. They will be harder to kill. That's why I dislike it. I may be a Daedric Prince but I know immortality may not be as rewarding as many would think." Said Peryite.
"How come?" Asked Deku.
"That you will have to see for yourself. One day you will see someone or notice yourself experience immortality. Will you enjoy feeling like a god, or will you grow bored of life and see everyone else die as time goes on?" Asked Peryite.
"Believe me I have no desire to be immortal." Said Deku.
"I know. But I know other people who do. Could be someone close. Or someone may give it to you by surprise. Some mortals believe they're immortal for several reasons. Surviving crazy injuries, winning every battle, etc. All repeatedly." said Peryite.
"For a Daedric Prince you actually make a good warning about certain desires. Be careful what you wish for." Said Deku.
"Yes. One day you can further understand Daedric Princes may not be all bad unlike many followers of the Nine Divines would believe. But I can understand why they would believe we're evil. We do have qualities that are considered bad. But we have good qualities too. Even Molag Bal can inflict pain on bad mortals. Your friends have finished their task so I will open a portal back to the mortal plane for you now." Said Peryite.
"Oh thank you." Said Deku.
Everyone reached the spot seeming to know Peryite was talking to Deku.
"Wow I can't believe you heard all that. How come you guys didn't speak up?"
"We did. He was probably talking to several people depending on the question." Said Uraraka.
"Can we get out of here now? This place smells terrible." Asked Todoroki.
"Hold on. We need to take you to the Arcane University so they can check you for any diseases. Just to be safe." Said Cyrus.
They stepped out and Peryite speaks for the last time.
"You have returned my followers, mortals. The natural order is restored, and for this, I thank you. Perhaps they have learned the folly of attempting to touch a Daedra Prince. Take this, with my blessing. May it bring you order."
Spell Breaker has appeared on the shrine.
"Thank you for saving us. We thought we would be trapped forever." Said a follower.
"Try not to physically summon a Daedric Prince next time. I don't think it's going to work that way no matter how strong the magic." Said Kirishima.
"Why did we even think we could. We just wanted to see him in person but we now know it's not meant to be. No more of these kinds of rituals." Said a female follower.
Deku's thoughts started speaking as the Arcane University showed.
"After that we were tested for any plagues we may have received. Thankfully we were okay. But when we arrived back at Cloud Ruler Temple we were in for a big surprise."
Upon return, three Nords in shrouded armor threatened Martin.
"You used to be a follower Martin. Why did you quit? Why would you suddenly turn to these so called Nine Divines?" Asked a Nord.
"Please leave me alone. I've made my choice and now you have got to make yours." Said Martin.
"We choose this." They pulled out their weapons until Baurus slapped one of them.
"All right you filthy Mudcrabs. I want you out of this Temple before I slice your heads off like a piece of cake. Now scram!" Yelled Baurus.
They started running.
"We're not done here Martin! Just wait until we mess with your little helpers!" Yelled Nord 2.
"Who the hell were these guys?" Asked Kirishima.
"Some of my former friends. They are followers of the prince of lust, Sanguine. Why they are in that armor I have no idea but somehow they found me. Now they want revenge after I left that group." Said Martin.
"Is that how you learned Daedric magic?" Asked Deku.
"Actually those were the wizards. Back then I never saw Daedra as evil but misunderstood. They helped me practice that magic after they convinced me. Me and my friends would have parties and get ourselves drunk every Loredas. We would acknowledge other princes too. Learning their spheres and their actual traits. One day however I saw a vision. A vision of an invasion caused by Mehrunes Dagon. It was not what I ask for. All I wanted was a bit of freedom but sometimes how people choose to live a life of freedom may come at a cost. The Daedra seemed fun but fun is not getting drunk or creating plagues that kills people it turns out. Fun is certainly not an Oblivion Crisis. There won't be anything left if Mehrunes Dagon destroys everything. I tried telling them that but they wouldn't listen. They won't understand. Even when it's happening now they still lean towards Daedra. Daedra may not be classified as inherently good or evil by worshipers but they may be leading themselves to consequences." Said Martin.
"Geez. We didn't ask for a lecture." Said Todoroki.
"Sorry I didn't mean to. It's just that they may believe they see the good sides of Daedra but I feel like they are tricking them and don't really care about them at all. I'm still learning about the Nine Divines. I hear they are good. Maybe they have their bad sides too but it's hard to tell. Even then they are better than the Daedra." Said Martin.
"Maybe not Talos though. I heard he was evil by certain people. I mean Tiber Septim." Said Kaminari.
"A lot of Elves say that. Be careful though. They have different perspectives of how mundus was created and how they were born. Especially Altmer. But I'll admit, looking at history Tiber Septim has made some questionable decisions on how he brought the empire together. Even Jauffre acknowledges some followers of the Nine don't welcome followers of other gods or Daedra. As for me I only want to stop this crisis. The Mythic Dawn have attacked us and at least Mankar Cameron needs to be slain for everyone's own good." Said Martin.
"What?" Asked Kaminari confused.
"I mean it's only when a cult tries to attack everyone else we need to take action." Said Martin.
"Ohhh I get it." Said Kaminari.
"Why can't we just arrest him?" Asked Kirishima.
"I don't like the idea of killing but I don't think imprisonment will do much good. He doesn't age after all. He can break out and do harm again at any time." Answered Martin.
"Anyway here's your Artifact." Said Deku.
"Good. Are you ready to give me the artifact? Remember, the ritual will consume its physical form. It won't be seen again on Tamriel for many years." Asked Martin.
"Yes we are sir. He you go." Deku handed him Spell Breaker.
"Not many people would give up Spellbreaker for destruction, my friends. Your sacrifice honors me." Said Martin.
"We don't need it. We have other ways to dodge destruction magic." Said Deku.
"Indeed. I think I'm close to deciphering the second part of the ritual." Said Martin.
"Wait how did your ex friends even get in the temple?" Asked Deku.
"They acted like visitors wanting to see me. They weren't even wearing those shrouded armor at first. They waited until every blade was asleep then they changed into that armor and threatened me. I'm glad Baurus woke up and saved me." Said Martin.
"You guys should probably get to sleep. It's pretty late." Said Cyrus.
"Yes sir." Said Deku.
Deku laid awake thinking about the Daedra.
End of Chapter.

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