Oblivion Crisis Arc: The Tale of Switchmancer

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Kaminari tore up the whole library section by tossing books he's not interested in behind him.
"What are you doing?" Asked Vitellus.
"I'm trying to look for a good book to calm my nerves. So far, nothing." Answered Kaminari.
"You're also making a mess!" Yelled Baragon.
"Oops. I'll pick it up." Said Kaminari.
"Don't bother I'll do it." Said Baragon frustrated.
"I understand. The Oblivion Crisis is a terrifying event." Said Vitellus.
"No it's not that. Well it may be now that you mentioned it. But what really got me freaked out is some Nord having sexual desires and he tried to share some of it with me. He said he would give me girl advice but I think he takes his likeness to women way too far. I think he even told me he mounted certain parts on his wall." Said Kaminari.
"That is disgusting. No I'm freaked out." Said Viranus.
"Think happy thoughts Viranus. Think happy thoughts." Said a handsome Imperial named Eduard.
"Hey what's this book?" Asked Kaminari.
"That book is the story of Switchmancer." Answered Baragon.
"Who is Switchmancer?" Asked Kaminari.
"Nobody important. It's best to not talk about him." Answered Vitellus.
"How about we just get some fresh air outside." Said Viranus.
"Switchmancer is an assassin having the lifespan of a Mer and the instincts of a Beast Race. I think he should know." Said Baragon.
"This story will just freak him out even more." Said Vitellus.
"No this may save his life one day." Said Baragon.
"There was never an explanation to defeat him in the story. How will this save his life?" Asked Eduard.
"Context is important my friends. If he really pays attention he may be able to defeat him. Switchmancer was born in Morrowind having a father of a Dunmer and a mother of a Khajiit, both necromancers in secret because it's outlawed in Morrowind. His appearance was described as disturbing, having some facial features of a Khajiit, fur and a tail mixing in with the grey Dunmer skin. His parents wanted to perform some terrible experiments on him. That is until they were exposed by the Legion and he was taken to an orphanage. Nobody wanted to adopt him until one day a nice Altmer couple approached him and decided to adopt him out of pity after hearing about his frightening situations. They named him Darvil and treated him with kindness. Things were going smoothly until they discovered he has an unusual and awful curse, causing him to kill people in a terrifying way"
"Quickly let's leave before he gets to the really terrifying parts." Whispered Vitellus.
"No wait. This is getting interesting. (To Baragon) Tell me more." Said Kaminari.
Baragon continues "They discovered he was killing people by switching their souls into objects. Once the soul is in the object the body behaves like the object, even when damaged. Nobody can hear the person in the object except for him, leaving them unheard before they meet their doom. Once the object is destroyed, so is the body. They believed he got the curse from his parents. Likely placing it on him, giving him this cruel ability. Switchmancer cannot live unless he kills someone that way at least once a day. Once the person was killed inside the object the soul absorbs into him, allowing him to live. Only black souls worked so they thought he can do it by completing contracts for the Morag Tong. It was working until young Darvil founded the Dread Father Sithis from the calling of the Night Mother. He wanted to fill the void while also keeping himself alive. As he got older he used his terrible magical ability in the worst ways possible. Shattered a bottle, the scally body literally shattered as well. Blew up a rock with a destruction spell, the baby inside blew up as well. A piece of paper ripped to shreds, the man's body was ripped to shreds. The rest he brutally kills to please the Dread Father. Years and years of his necromancy and soul switching he became a terror to Morrowind and even the Morag Tong. Eventually his foster family had enough. That couple wanted to kill him so he can do no more harm. Unfortunately he killed his foster mother and brother. The foster dad was forced to forever wear what he used to be a part of for the rest of his life by a terrible ritual. He eventually fled Morrowind so he can warn the Empire about him. After that moment Darvil eventually renamed himself Switchmancer for his powerful abilities. His abilities became too powerful for many to face the older he's gotten. Any attempt used to kill him they end up getting killed themselves. Eventually he left the Morag Tong and joined the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodiil. Now known as their best silencer, he now roams the lands of Cyrodiil murdering people with his necromancy and soul switch powers. He now appears in the Morag Tong outfit and the Gaze of Sithis to show off his new identity."
"So he's still doing it to this day?" Asked a terrified Kaminari.
"I would be careful. He can lurk around and kill anyone, anytime, and anywhere whenever he wants. He can even be after you right now." Said Baragon.
Kaminari screamed in horror and hid under the table.
"I don't want to be hunted by Switchmancer." Said Kaminari.
"Nice going. Now you freaked him out even more." Scolded Vitellus.
"That's what he gets for making a mess in the east wing." Said Baragon.
"Okay that is not how a Blade should behave!" Yelled Viranus.
"And this isn't how guests should behave." Said Baragon pointing to Kaminari shivering under the table.
"He said he would clean up the mess." Said Eduard.
"Like he really means that. Kids just say that so they can get out of trouble. Then they never do it." Said Baragon.
Vitellus kneeled down making sure Kaminari is okay.
"Sorry sir Denki. Baragon can take things too far sometimes. We won't let Switchmancer get you we promise." Said Vitellus.
"But he's too powerful." Said Kaminari.
"I know but we're facing an Oblivion Crisis right now and we don't run away from that, even if it can kill us." Said Vitellus.
"Oh yeah. But that Switchmancer story scared the porn loving Nord right out of me. Wait I wasn't thinking about that Nord anymore. I guess that somewhat helped. (To Baragon) Thank you fellow Blade, except for the scary bits." Said Kaminari.
"Come on let's clean this mess up." Said Vitellus.
"Okay but I'm still nervous." Said Kaminari.
"We'll be right beside you." Said Vitellus.
After they cleaned up the books Kaminari discussed his goals and showed the daggers he bought.
"They aren't the most impressive daggers but they are a start." Said Kaminari.
"I'm really glad you were inspired by the Champions. Once you get really good at magic, you can move those daggers flawlessly and do some real damage." Said Viranus.
"I haven't even attempted using magic on one dagger yet but thank you." Said Kaminari.
"I was just saying you will be a great hero one day." Said Viranus.
"So why was that Nord even saying those creepy things to me? I just accidentally bumped into him. Well he introduced his name first but then he talked about some unrealistically over the top sexual stuff. Even Mineta doesn't go that far. I hope he never goes that far." Said Kaminari.
"Wait. What was his name?" Asked Cyrus.
"He calls himself Sanders. Strange name for a Nord." Said Kaminari.
"Oh no. It seems they're back." Said Cyrus.
"What do you mean by they're back? Who are they?" Asked Eduard.
"The three Nords that attacked Martin days ago. Darnell the Drunk, Persy the Partyer, and Sanders the Sexy are Sanguine worshippers who let Martin and some former members of the Mages guild in their cult. Things go horribly wrong and many were killed. Martin left after a priest of the Nine found him. You probably ran into Sanders the Sexy young Denki. I recommend asking Martin about him. He will tell you more." Said Cyrus.
"Excuse me. I was just about to make dinner and I found some boy is sleeping on the table in the kitchen." Said an Female Blade named Jena.
"Oh. Todoroki. I'll get him off." Said Kaminari.
"Good luck Stunblade. We will meet again in the future." Said A mysterious old Altmer Blade.
The old elf walked out of the armory.
"What did he mean by that?" Asked Kaminari.
"I'm not sure. Wait do I even know that mer?" Asked Jena.
He was out of the Temple strolling along the snow.
"Such an energetic and ambitious young lad. Can't wait to discover more about you."
End of chapter.

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