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You grimaced a little as Moblit settled down next to a happy Hange who wouldn't stop chattering in your hands. Again, what were they doing? You had already fulfilled your task of leaving the man safe, but now it seemed that they wanted you to go somewhere else...


You did a facepalm internally; Of course, how had you not noticed? They wanted you to go to where the commotion was coming from...

Goddness, they were going to use you as cannon fodder.


You felt a small weight on your shoulder... well, there were two of them, you looked back to where they were- oh, it was Armin and Jean.

Of course, Armin had to be the cause of this, the boy surely suggested the plan that was currently being carried out. Smart boy, you almost gave in to the temptation of throwing him away from you like a baseball... but his tender, round face stopped you. 'Lucky guy, he surely has everyone under his mercy because of his cuteness-'

Oh look, they're talking to you...

You looked at them blankly while he spoke to you in his stupid language that you didn't understand at all- how hard was it for them to have your language as their mother tongue?

You sighed, now you were just being childish.

Oh. Armin finished speaking; It was probably important information, but your stupid-ass-non-speaker-of-this-strange-language couldn't understand anything they said.

The cute boy was giving you a serious look now, he looked like he was waiting for maybe a gesture of understanding or something like that from you. You almost laughed to keep from crying because you were nervous, ugh, why couldn't you wake up like a deer in this strange world?

Hange -clearly excited- began to mutter unintelligible things, this time under the worried look of Moblit who was sitting next to her. You looked at her blankly and worriedly with your huge eyes, gosh, had Hange already gone crazy?

A thunderous and firm voice made you turn your worried gaze from the happy woman in your hands to the ground where Commander Erwin was on his horse. He was similar to how he was portrayed in the manga/anime, someone strong, with very clear ideas and a great spirit to lead.

You felt a little chill, perhaps from the excitement of seeing one of your favorite characters in action...

Wait- shouldn't you leave right now? Yeah, that's probably for the best, besides, you didn't have the right to meddle in the story-

You accidentally saw Erwin's eyes and the soldier's eyes, and you slightly regretted having done so. His eyes and the eyes of the others were full of hope, almost as if they were placing everything they had in you...

Damn them and their ways of convincing you with pity.

How are you supposed to walk away like the coward you are when they see you as if you're their savior?


𝙇𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙨 | 𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴!𝘈𝘖𝘛 |Where stories live. Discover now