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The office almost feels empty today despite being filled to the brim with people. Officers flowing in and out, paperwork being done. Kim Namjoon stares down at his workers, wondering how much longer this stupid case will go on. Stupid. What a silly word to use, but it's the truth. There aren't many other words he can use to describe the situation. The biggest case he's had in... ever

The L/n case.

A huff leaves his throat, Namjoon turning on his heel and sauntering back into his office. No need to oversee every single detail. He has a partner for a reason. 

He closes and locks the door behind him on instinct, plopping down in his creaky chair and opening his laptop. It's been months since they've been assigned to this case, but they still have no court date. They have a general idea; an approximate. No more, no less.

Namjoon grunts and pulls up the summary, skimming over all the words. It's the testimony from the girl herself. AKA the daughter of the biggest mafia corporation in the world. If he's being honest, he feels really bad for her. Poor girl had to suffer daily, and as soon as she finally has a chance at escape, here they are, unable to find shit. It pisses him off. She deserves better. She deserves to be free.

The minutes pass by. More and more pass like a blur. Soon enough, the clock dings, alerting the Chief that an hour has passed since he buried his head into the files. He glances at his door as if sensing someone coming. Seconds later, he sees the shadow of a person lurking outside. 

"Come in!" he calls before they can ask.

Namjoon lets his eyes fall back to his paperwork as the door creaks open. He hums, signing the bottom of one paper. 

"What seems to be the issue? Has there been an update in the L/n case?" he asks. 

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about that, sir," a male voice replies. 

"Go ahead. We have plenty of open spots on the case if you're offering," Namjoon says with a chuckle, stapling the documents together.

"I wanted a status update on how it's going. Like the witness. Is she still okay?" 

"She's safe," Namjoon says, looking up. "And her testimo..." 

He grabs his pistol and points it at the intruder, but three more men come into the room, all armed and letting their weapons aim at Namjoon.

"If you're here to ask where she is, I don't know the answer to that. The whole point of the program is no one knows except for her, the big boss, and the bodyguards assigned to her," Namjoon says. 

"We know you're lying, your partner seems pretty sure you know," the lead man says. 

And in comes Namjoon's partner. Or more like his partner gets dragged in, his face all swollen from the beating he must've endured. How the hell did Namjoon not hear any of this? There's no way they did this quietly. What the fuck happened out there?

They throw his partner to the ground, the man whimpering and holding his beaten face. 

Namjoon grits his teeth. "I'm not telling you shit I don't know. I mean, I could always tell you a false location, how would you know?" 

"We have enough resources to check and not have it do any harm," the man replies dismissively.

Namjoon bites back his sigh and places a hand on his head. So, this is it. His last day alive.

"I told you I don't know shit. Whatever my partner told you is a lie." 

Strange that his partner would sell him out, especially when he knows the information too. Speaking of, Namjoon can see the glint of confusion on his partner's face. So they're bluffing. His partner didn't tell them anything, but they're so desperate for answers they're willing to go to any length, huh?

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