"Adversary to Ally"

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"W-what?" Dante inquired. "So, you're basically being forced to marry her?" Camilla inquired. "No, I married her," Dante answered. "What are you trying to say? I'm perplexed," Camilla remarked. "I chose her because Dad wanted me to marry her so that our family's name could endure. Would you kindly go now?" Dante sought to ask sweetly. "Stronzo!" she shouted. "What does that mean?" Alessandro was the one I asked. "That signifies an asshole. Would you please now give up shouting?" As he neared them, Alessandro screamed. I still didn't know this girl's identity or whether she was his girlfriend or pal. Dante turned to face Alessandro and remarked, "Alessandro, you do realize I'm your boss, and you don't demand me to do things."

"Well, I was getting a headache from all of your ranting. Alessandro replied, "And I'm sure Ella is mystified about who this person is." He was true; I was bewildered. I headed in their way. I asked, "Who are you? ""My name is Camilla, and this is my older brother Dante." She smiled pleasantly in answer. Oh, how wrong I was. This is his younger sister, not his lover. I mean, I didn't really care if she was, since if she was, my life would be so much simpler and I wouldn't have to marry this guy. "Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Ella," I said. I extended my hand in a nice gesture, asking her to shake it.

She dragged me into a tight hug instead of shaking my hand. Her embrace astonished me, but I offered her one in response. She remarked, "I haven't seen a female here in months! " "Seriously? "I questioned her, surprised and astonished by what she had just revealed. Yes, seeing a female here makes me extremely glad. Oh, we're going to be best friends; we're going to the movies, the spa, and shopping. Oh, I'm so thrilled!" She babbled. "Camilla, you're scaring her!" Dante said sharply. She apologized, stating, "I'm just—I'm too excited." "It's fine; I'm happy to see a girl too; actually, I thought I was going to have to live with only men for the rest of my life," I added with a grin.

"I am aware. However, I assure you that you will become used to it—I did, regrettably," she replied. "Hey, I'm not that bad!" Speaking in defense, Alessandro commented. "You're not; you're the only guy I like after my brother," she added. "What?" Dante questioned. I believe we all thought that she meant that she liked him romantically. "Not in that manner! He's a buddy that I like!" With a startling look, Camilla stated. "Good, because he doesn't deserve you!" exclaimed Dante. "I believed you were in love with me," Alessandro murmured, staring at Dante. "I do; it's just that I want the best for my sister, and I definitely don't want her dating one of my men!" stated Dante.

"Hey, I wanted to ask, can someone show me a tour of this place? I can barely even make it back to Dante's room, I think," I remarked. "I have work to do, but Camilla can give you a tour," I said. Dante started to depart, adding, "I have to go check if the shipments arrived here." "Okay, let's go!" With a hand on my arm, Camilla said. "And this is the library, which, in my opinion, is the most boring place in this whole mansion," she continued. She took me on a complete tour of the house in less than thirty minutes, which was rapid given how huge the property is. "No, I actually like this place; I like reading a lot." Strolling around the library, I remarked.

"What, but how?" she replied, closely following my heels. "One of the reasons I like reading is because it allows me to escape reality. When you read, you immerse yourself in a new world and find yourself identifying strongly with the main character, making you wish you could live her life, because you are aware that life would be much easier and more meaningful if you had her life," I clarified. That's really deep, she thought. "I know, it's just my way of seeing books," I responded. "Maybe I'll try it someday and see if I can relate to what you just described it as," she added. "You should; I think you'll enjoy it," I replied. "Well, anyway, I should get going because I just got back from New York and I still need to unpack, but if you'd like, you could stay here and leave whenever you'd like," she added.

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