Welcome to the Academy

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The spaceflight was pleasant enough for flying coach; the government wasn't going to pay first class for brand new StarPatrol cadets. Eventually though Kairi looked out the window to find they'd arrived at their destination.

Onariley Station was a massive vaguely sphere shaped vessel. It orbited the planet TelsII a multi biome planet. Onariley Station was where bootcamp and specialist training was held.

"Quite a sight," Kairi commented.

Around her she could feel the emotions of her fellow passengers: awe, nervousness, excitement, and rising fear. All of them knew they were about to start the greatest trial some of them had ever faced. Kairi didn't let herself be overwhelmed by their emotions or her own. She was Altheaten and that meant she knew how to keep herself calm and collected.

The rocket shuddered to a halt as it docked with the station.

"Let's do this," Kairi muttered.

At that point, a large human male entered the compartment. He was not fat but muscular and he wore a funny looking wide brimmed hat. She sensed indifference within him, but also annoyance.

"You people have five seconds to get off of this ship," he barked.

Instantly, the passengers all scrambled off of the ship and headed for the airlock. Kairi felt herself swept up in the flow.

"Hurry up! Move," the man shouted.

Kairi could sense his anger as she moved past him, but she could also feel it wasn't genuine. Made sense, his job was to scare new recruits. So like an actor he had to make it convincing. She kept her observation to herself.

They were soon lumped together with other new recruits, divided up into smaller groups, and then made to stand in lines shortest to tallest, four across.

"You meteors got a long way to go," the drill instructor said, shaking his head.

Kairi could only sense his amusement. How many times had he said the same lines?

"Less than half of you are going to make it. The patrol wants only the best and brightest, but it also wants those who genuinely want to commit themselves to keeping the peace! So if your heart's not in this, get off my station! This is your last chance."

No one moved. The drill instructor snorted.

"We'll see how many of you change your minds! Now move it! One column at a time!"

The instructor fumed some more when two columns tried to move at the same time.

"Not like that you dumb rocks! Always right to left! Don't any of you know anything?"

Eventually though the 'rocks' were herded to their new home. Kairi took in the bare walls, drab lockers, and uncomfortable looking beds all laid out neatly in a row. Only females of various species were in the barracks, all radiating fear. Kairi hated the waves of fear washing over her, it made her want to puke. She took a breath to calm herself. Being empathic made it too easy to lose oneself to others' emotions.

The only male was the Drill Instructor. "I am Petty Officer Zimms!" He was a large Shojoon and stood a bit taller than six feet. His scales were blue green and a large crocodilian head regarded them with bright yellow eyes. The campaign hat on his head should have looked comical, but it didn't. His powerful tail hung just over the deck.

"For the next two months nothing else matters but this barracks! You will maintain this area to standards with all of you pulling your weight! You will leave the barracks only with permission! Training begins every day at 0500 hours!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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