Chapter 2: Wisdom and Breakthrough

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Flora crashes down on the big couch in the middle of Slytherin common room. She already explored the dormitory with the help of a house elf, found her bed, changed into her school uniform and unpacked her belongings, at least the remains after the family house was burnt down to ashes. The traumatic memories don't seem to give the girl a breather, tears slowly start streaming down her face, the realization slowly dawning upon her, that from now on, she is an orphan. Just because some nasty dark wizard wants her talent for whatever reason. 

Life is truly unfair, she thought to herself. She never asked for this power... it only made her life a living hell. Whoever learned about her secret ability in the past, they made sure to stay far away from Flora. Naturally, nobody likes their mind laying completely open to a stranger. The only people accepting her unconditionally were her parents, but now they're gone. No one loves her, no one truly cares about her anymore. She is merely just a carrier of a potent weapon, and whatever kindness is shown to her, it's never genuine, it always carries an ulterior motive related to her talent.

The pain laced on these thoughts are suffocating for the young witch, so, deciding to take a walk outside the dorm, she walks out to the dungeon hallway, maybe she will find something to take her mind off this lonely suffering. The need for company is holding her in its tight grip... Professor Snape said he'd be in the potions classroom, right? Then, it was time to discover that classroom. If he is going to be her mentor, she should try and get to know the man a bit better, no?

Silent steps and a few turns later, she sees faint light coming from a room behind a big oak door. Praying that she wasn't lost, the girl slowly approaches the entrance and knocks softly, then pushes the slightly ajar door open, peeking in. The potions professor is at his desk, currently brewing something she can only assume is a potion.

"Yes, Miss Etrielle?" Snape addresses her, not breaking his focus on his cauldron.

"Um, I was just wondering around, hoping to learn the corridors and classrooms of the castle. I felt a bit lonely all by myself in the dorm..." she trails off, sniffling. Snape raises his gaze at her face, immediately noticing the dried paths of tears under her eyes, but the bat decides not to address them. He's perfectly aware Flora is facing a hard time now, there's no need for him to remind her of her trauma with unnecessary questioning. 

Instead, he simply invites her in, and asks her to fetch a clear bottle off the shelf while his hand is occupied stirring the potion. She complies, happy to be of help, in her state, any kind of small act like this can give a boost to her incredibly low morale. Flora brings the vial to her teacher with a shy smile.

"May I ask, what are you making?" she inquires, peeking into the cauldron curiously.

"This is called Veritaserum. The consumer of this potion is forced to speak the truth until its effect wears off. It takes a full lunar cycle to mature and it is considered an advanced level potion." explains Snape in his usual stoic tone.

"Very intriguing..." she whispers to herself. "Then, I assume the subject you teach is potions, sir?" Flora states timidly.

"Correct." the bat confirms. "A subtle science and very exact art, potion making. Not many are able to appreciate its beauty. However, if you possess the predisposition—" he pauses, pulling the cauldron off the flame and crushing three sopophorus beans with almost lightning speed, adding them to the mixture. Then with a dramatically slow turn, he faces the white-haired witch, piercing his gaze in hers. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses— to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death." the potioneer drawls in what Flora thinks is a very majestic style, borderline seductive, she watches her teacher spellbound next to the desk, with her eyes wide and jaw on the floor. 

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