Prologue: My Last Real Entry

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August 11th, 1992.
Dear Journal,

Today was a rough day, as always. My apartment was a wreck, especially my room. The kitchen food smelled expired. And I was lying on the couch, clutching a bottle of bunny fuzz.

What is bunny fuzz? Well, it's this drink, not alcohol or anything like that as far as I know, but once I drink it, it makes me fall asleep for about 5 minutes. In that 5 minutes, I live the full life of a bunny!

Sure, it sounds lame and weird, but I long for a life that isn't human at this point. And I find one way or another to escape into a different life, one way or another.

The guy who gave it to me said that if I help him accomplish something important, I get to have more of this stuff. He was sketchy, but what choice did I have?

I had the worst job in the world, I had a crappy apartment, and I had no one in life special to me, so bunny fuzz is pretty much the only joy I have now.

Hope this experiment goes well.

As always, [Redacted]

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