Seeing ghosts

104 7 2

Central City, California

When they'd told Pepper the night before about the impromptu trip to the Golden State, she'd been ready to lay in to her niece for lying to her about her true intentions of wanting to see her uncle. But when Tony swiftly reassured his wife that wasn't the case Pep had warily accepted that Stephanie was telling the truth about it being personal. Though what or who was in California had to do with Steve, she didn't know. With no option other than to trust that her family was telling the truth, the older woman had warned both of them of the consequences if they weren't. Since neither were lying, Tony and Stephanie relaxed long enough to eat lunch before going out for a walk around the lake to discuss more about the next day and what to expect.

Seeing as it was just the two of them, the trip in itself to California was pretty uneventful. They'd taken her uncle’s private plane that she had been more than happy to pilot since Tony had finished the upgrades to the engines. His toys were always the best. Faster than anything he’s made before they’d made it to Central City in half the time it would take a normal jet. Once they landed they were met by the car service Tony hired. Since they were only planning on being in town for the afternoon, the next morning at the latest, neither saw a reason to rent one. It all really depended on how Tony was feeling and Von Doom's answer. 

With her uncle's advanced age they needed to take things easy. Even if in his own mind he was a much sprier man. As for Von Doom..well he was a wild card. All Stephanie could do was cross her fingers and hope for the best. Just to be on the safe side they'd each packed an overnight bag the night before.

Pulling up to the tall skyscraper that housed Von Doom’s offices and the research and development department, I step out first to help my uncle exit next onto the bustling sidewalk. With his hand firmly in mine, both for moral support as well as to keep him from being knocked over by impatient passersby, we steadily make our way inside. The spacious lobby was sleek in design with a front desk set in the middle of the room sectioning it so that you couldn’t get to the elevators without stopping there first. It was the same at the Compound and at the Stark Industries offices. Made it harder for lookie loos and crazies from getting inside.  

Standing silently by his side looking like security I watch as Tony gives his name at the front desk and who he was there to see. It always made me bite back amused laughter whenever the shock and the awe as the person behind the desk stared at him for a solid fifteen seconds, then realized they needed to do their job. Then glancing over at me who was towering next to him in my tactical boots or stilettos depending on the day and they made the connection to my own identity which then has them glitching even more. Iron Man and Captain America were a legendary duo regardless of who held my father’s title. Probably more so that it was me if I’m being honest. I was a legacy two times over after all. 

Visitor’s badge clipped to his lapel Tony nods to confirm that he was fine to make it upstairs on his own. Leaning down I kiss his cheek for luck. Reminding him to call me and I’d come up. It had been discussed at great length that he would meet with Von Doom without me. 

Firstly, seeing what they were going to discuss would just go over my head. While I had the brains of a Stark, my smarts weren’t in the same realm or field as my uncles and my cousin. I was more of a tactical/critical thinker. Hell if things hadn’t worked out for me as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent I probably would have gone into business full time like my mother wanted. Either that or according to everyone who knows me, I’d have made a good lawyer. As for that second reason, I was to stay downstairs because I was anxious enough without this Von Doom guy saying something to upset me if his being a dick status held true. Hence refusing to let Tony come without me even if I wasn't up there.

After I made sure my uncle had an escort, I finally stalked over to the designated seating area the expensively outfitted lobby boasted. Choosing a chair that gave me the perfect view of the doors and the elevator I pulled out my phone from my purse and set it on my lap. It was always good to be prepared. As such I'd dressed up in a mulberry business chic bodycon dress along with Christian Louboutin heels that put my already statuesque 5 ' 9 firmly at 6' 1. More makeup than I usually wore was on my face including a dark smokey eye that made my bright blue irises pop and topping my look off with a lipstick shade that matched my dress. And rounding out my outfit was a watch made special by my uncle that when activated, became a medium sized shield. Again, just in case. 

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