3 - Surprise!

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Aizawa pov: I was waiting for problem child to arrive with his friends while watching my class fight and bicker with each other. "Will you all shut up," I shouted as someone knocked on the door. "This shithole didn't change a bit, Mr. Aizawa," Problem Child said smirking.

Bakugo pov: "This shithole didn't change a bit, Mr. Aizawa." Deku stood in the doorway with some other friends.  "Deku what the hell are you doing here," I shouted. Deku stared at me. "Do I know you blondie," he asked and his friends laughed. I stood up fuming. This nerd!  "Anyway I'm here because my school is doing a dual learning program with UA," Deku said and one of his friends wrapped his arms around his waist. I saw Icyhot narrow his eyes. "Midoriya is correct so get your butts to the locker room and change into your gym clothes," Mr. Aizawa shouted. 

Later at the training field.

Deku pov: I looked at the class bulletin board that was posted for who we were going up against. I smiled I was going up against Kacchan & Todoroki with Zane. I was waiting for my turn when Monoma walked up to me. "Seems you came back huh," he asked smirking. I fixed him with a stern glare. "I'm not here to stay as soon as this joint activity is over I am leaving this shithole," I said loud enough for everyone to here. Monoma stared at me while the rest of the class looked shocked. "You better watch your back Monoma or else you'll wind up dead," I whispered as I walked by him. 

Later in the dorms. 

"No you put the butter in first then the sugar," Kai shouted as she and Kairo argued on how to make cookies. I laughed intervening. "No you mix the butter, salt, and sugar together and then add it into the dry ingredients," I said showing them how to do it. "Since when did you know how to cook babe," Zane asked teasing me. "Hey!" I shouted blushing embarrassedly. " Do you think we'll go on any missions," Lexy asked. I shook my head, "Knowing my dad he'll make sure nothing flashy happens while we're here." "Aww man can't we at least have some fun," Nathan shouted. "Not if it's illegal," said Mr. Aizawa as he walked. My friends groaned. "Ah come on please," I pleaded. "Sorry problem child it's for your own good your dad would kill me if I let you go out and cause trouble," Mr. Aizawa said shrugged. "But I'll let you have the lewd ridge cd's back so that you and your friends can enjoy something else." I blushed in embarrassment. "Well I guess we can do that," Kai said nonchalantly. I could tell she was excited. 

We were about halfway through the first cd when someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see Denki standing there. "Well I wasn't expecting this but what do you want Denki," I asked just as Zane shouted for me to come back. "I'm sorry I knew something was up as soon as Todoroki said you'd cheated on him and I was wondering if we can start over as friends and maybe Shinso could join us," Denki asked blushing. "You finally got together," I said teasing him. "Hey I was waiting for the right time," he snapped. "Anyway sure I accept your apology Kami," I said hugging him.

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