15 - Worry

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I woke up in a soft bed. My body was wrapped in bandages, and the room was dimly lit. I thought I was dreaming, but then the door opened to reveal Zane with a tray of food. "Izuku, oh thank god," he said, closing the door and walking towards me. I rubbed my eyes, blinking as Zane handed me a cup of coffee. "Zane . . . tell me I'm not dreaming," I cried, and Zane wrapped his arms around me. "You're not dreaming. I'm here," he whispered, kissing my forehead. The warmth of his embrace, the steady beat of his heart against my cheek, it all felt so surreal. For a moment, I just let myself melt into his arms, the comfort and safety overwhelming me. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I clung to him, afraid that if I let go, he might disappear. "It's okay, Izuku," Zane said softly, rubbing soothing circles on my back. "You're safe now. We've got you." I pulled back slightly, looking up at him through tear-blurred eyes. "How long have I been here?" "A month," he replied, his voice gentle. "You were in pretty bad shape, but Kai's been taking good care of you. You're going to be alright." I nodded, the reality of my situation slowly sinking in. The memories of what Takeshi had done to me were still raw, etched into my mind with a vividness that made me shudder. The torture had been relentless, a cycle of agony that seemed endless. I felt like I would die there, my screams echoing through the cell as Takeshi took pleasure in my suffering. Sometimes the torture lasted for hours, with no respite, no moments of rest. Each time I thought it was over, he would find new ways to break me. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice trembling. "For saving me." Zane's expression hardened for a moment, a flicker of anger passing through his eyes. "I should have gotten there sooner," he muttered, more to himself than to me. "But we got you out, and that's what matters." He reached for the tray of food he had brought in, setting it on the small table beside the bed. "You need to eat, regain your strength. We'll get through this together." I took the cup of coffee, the warmth seeping into my fingers. It felt like a lifeline, something real to hold onto. I took a tentative sip, the familiar taste grounding me. Zane's eyes darkened with sadness, but his touch remained gentle as he brushed a strand of hair from my face. "Izuku, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you went through." "I thought I would die there, that I'd never see you again." Tears streamed down my face, and Zane held me tighter, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "But you survived, Izuku. You're here now, and we won't let anything like that happen to you again. I swear it." I took a shaky breath, trying to steady myself. "He told me there are more like him, that I'll never be safe. And with the bounty on my head, I'll always be in danger." "We'll protect you," Zane said firmly. "We've moved our base underground and increased our security. You're safe here, I promise." I nodded, trying to let his words sink in, but the fear still lingered at the edges of my mind. "What happened to Takeshi?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. A dark look crossed Zane's face. "He won't be hurting anyone ever again." I didn't press for more details. The haunted look in Zane's eyes told me enough. Instead, I focused on the present, on the warmth of his presence and the safety of the room around me. As I ate the food Zane had brought, he stayed by my side, his presence a constant reassurance. The pain in my body was still there, a dull ache that flared with every movement, but it was manageable. And with Zane here, I felt like I could face anything. "We're going to get through this, Izuku," Zane said softly, his hand gently squeezing mine. "One step at a time." I nodded, a small smile tugging at my lips. "One step at a time."

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