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 " Sum gotta change with these licks, shit ain't fair and I ain't feelin dat " Tru declared

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" Sum gotta change with these licks, shit ain't fair and I ain't feelin dat " Tru declared.

Tru's frustration was evident as her piercing gaze locked on Drilla, who was  completely unfazed by her presence.

His attention was solely focused on serving the addicts who eagerly approached them for their fix.

" Nigga ion think it's sum wrong with how we do shit, we gettin money right " Drilla replied, finally meeting Tru's eyes.

A chill wind swept through the air, causing Tru's black puffa jacket to rustle.

The streets buzzed with activity. Trash skittered across the pavement, as the flickering streetlight cast eerie shadows over the scene.

Her gaze swept over the bustling street, taking in the chaotic scene.
Niggas hustled for a quick dollar while bitches sold their bodies in the dimly lit corners. Tru knew she was no different, so she couldn't judge. She was just trying to survive.

Tearing her eyes away from the scene. Tru swiftly exchanged drugs with a regular customer, accepting the crumpled twenty-dollar bill in return.

Turning her attention back to Drilla, Tru's face twisted in disgust.

" Fuck you mean you'on think nun is wrong. Imagine pullin' all the weight and havin' to split ya shit with motherfucka's who ain't doin' half of what the fuck you doin' " Tru's voice held an edge of calm anger, masking the resentment brewing within her.

Drilla's whole demeanor shifted as Tru's words sank in. His expression morphed into a mix of disbelief and betrayal. The tension between them began to rise.

Tru's knuckles cracked as she clenched her fists, fury swirling in her chest like a vicious storm.

" Man, this is why I been told you we need to drop this bitch " Liam's voice dripped with disdain as he inserted himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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