28 - The Cavill's

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I was pulling up in a cab outside his parents' house and I sighed. I didn't tell anyone I was coming, I wanted to surprise everyone, hoping it would be a good surprise. I rang the doorbell, as I waited my stomach jumped into my throat. Marianne opened the door and smiled when she saw me.

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed and I laughed as she pulled me into a hug. "Henry said he didn't know if you were coming." Marianne said as we hugged. We broke apart and I sighed.

"Well, he didn't know. I wanted to surprise all of you as well as I have an anniversary gift for you and Colin." I said and she smiled.

"Well come on in. Everyone is here. They are picking on Henry saying his girlfriend is imaginary." Marianne chuckled and I gave a small laugh.

"Where should I leave my bags?" I asked.

"Right here, I will have Henry get them later." She said as she linked her arm in mine, and we headed towards the kitchen. I heard the booming voices coming out of there as well as tons of laughter.

"So, this girlfriend of yours, anyone else seen her?" I heard a voice asking followed by laughter.

"Mom and dad have! On numerous occasions!" Henry defended. I looked at Marianne and laughed.

"Wait here." She whispered and walked into the kitchen.

"Piers, leave Henry alone. Cameron is a lovely girl and you all would be lucky enough to get to know her." Marianne said.

"If only she would be here..." Henry said, and he sounded so upset. I knew that was a good que to walk in.

"What would you say if you could tell her anything right now?" Marianne asked.

"Just that I love her and miss her. Wish she could be here to get these idiots off my back." Henry said and I smiled at this. I peeked around the corner and Marianne smiled at me.

"I love you and missed you too." I said coming into the kitchen from around the corner. Henry snapped up and looked at me. He then was up, out of his chair and over picking me up in a hug in a matter of seconds. I laughed as he spun me around. He finally set my feet on the floor, leaned down and passionately kissed me.

"Okay gross!" We heard a voice yell. Henry and I broke apart with a smile and he looked at his brothers.

"Told you she wasn't imaginary." Henry said and I laughed.

"It's nice to meet all of you, I'm Cam." I said and they all smiled.

"That's my older brothers Piers, Niki and Simon. Then my younger brother Charles." Henry introduced me to everyone.

"Four brothers, you weren't kidding." I said and we all laughed. I then looked at Marianne, "How did you do it?" I asked and she laughed.

"Oh, we were always good for mom. We knew better." Niki spoke up. I hadn't noticed how Henry still had an arm around my waist and was holding me close to him.

"So, I must admit I came for a multitude of reasons. Once was to see Henry and be with him." I said and smiled up at him as he gave me a small kiss. "My second was to give my anniversary gift to Marianne and Colin. I don't know if you guys are having a big party or just something small but I would love to take the photos for you of the festivities and of the family then make you a photobook of the day, so you always have the memories." I offered. Marianne looked shocked and then walked over to me and hugged me, which meant Henry had to let go of me, which I could tell he wasn't happy about. Once Marianne let me go his arm was back around me, hand resting on my hip.

"You really wouldn't mind?" Colin asked and I shook my head.

"It's what I do." I said and he smiled with a nod.

"We would love it." Marianne said and I smiled.

"Perfect." I said.

"I'm going to take Cam up and show her the room and let her get settled, maybe even nap...jet lag." Henry said and I knew what he was thinking.

"Yeah, jet lag." I said and the brothers all snickered. Henry shot them all a glance and we walked to the living room to get my stuff from by the door and then headed to the room Henry was staying in. Once inside the room he pinned me against the door and passionately kissed me. I moaned in the kiss as my arms went around his neck, holding him to me and he lifted me up.

He carried me over to the bed and laid me down as he laid down hovering over me. WE broke apart and I just looked at him.

"Are you back for good?" Henry asked and I sighed.

"I'm going with the flow." I said and he nodded.

"I can live with that." Henry said and I smiled.

"Good because I seem to like where this flow is going." I said and Henry laughed as he leaned down and passionately kissed me again. He moved his lips from mine to my neck as he worked on getting my shirt off and I worked on his. It was at that moment he pulled away from me and the look in his eyes was ferial. When he was with me in Montana, we didn't cross this bridge. We decided to not be intimate and just talk but we also didn't talk too much either, all skirted around the subject. I didn't care anymore, I wanted this man more than I had wanted anything, it had been too long, and I knew that.

We both quickly undressed ourselves and I scooted back on the bed. Henry didn't waste any time and I didn't care that he didn't. He grabbed my hips, flipped me over while pulling me up on all fours. I made sure to steady myself right before he rammed into me, and I bit my lip since I knew we weren't in the house alone. Henry gripped my hip with one hand and his other was reached around me and started toying with my clit.

"Henry." I moaned out in a whisper.

He was pounding into me as I pushed back on him, and he grunted. I pushed back again, and he stopped his movements enjoying the feeling.

"That's my girl." Henry said and I smiled as he started thrusting again. I clenched all around him and he didn't even stop. I knew what was coming as I felt the wave wash over me and the cry coming from my lips that was kept as quiet as possible. Henry pulled out of me and laid down on the bed, seating me on top of him. I smiled sedately at him as I lowered myself onto his still hard shaft. He threw his head back with a growl. He hands automatically started roaming my body finding their way to my boobs as I started bouncing on Henry and he held them as I did. I leaned back slightly placing my hands on his thighs and started grinding my hips on him.

"Fucking hell!" Henry said and I knew he was getting close, he removed his hands from my boobs and pulled me forward. He then flipped up, so he was on top, and I smiled up at him.

"I need to see you, I need see you come undone because of me." Henry said and I smiled as he started pistioning inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he started going in deeper and harder. I wrapped my arms around his back and just held on for life, something to tether me here in the moment because Henry was making me forget everything. I felt myself clenching around him as he swelled, and I knew we were both ready.

"Henr-..." I started to whimper out, but he quickly attached his lips to mine to hide both of our cries in the release. I felt him releasing inside of me as I became a shaking mess around him. Once we were both released Henry pulled his lips from mine as he rolled off of me. I rolled on my side and looked at him."

"I'm so happy I'm here." I said and Henry chuckled and looked at me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to him.

"I'm happy you're here too, for however long that may be." Henry said and gave me a passionate kiss. Once we broke apart, I snuggled into Henry as he covered up us and we both drifted off to sleep. 

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