Tragedy On Alderaan

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Darth Sidious & I Fight, we collide Our Lightsaber "You Can't Win Sidious" I said, He stand Back and use Electricity with the hand ,I block it With my Lightsaber "Your Friend Is Going to die If you stay here to kill me, your Friend Obi-Wan Is Weak my Padawan is More Powerful " Darth Sidious said, I keep blocking the electricity with my Lightsaber ,"Sacrificed Everything I Must, No Going Back, I will Kill You I must, Afraid You Are, You are The WEAK One, Obi-Wan Is Strong for Darth Vader" I said And With One Hand I took the electricity in my Hand,using the force, I push it to him and He Electrocuted, "Ahh, You Stupid Little Green Man!, You can't win, Don't UNDERESTIMATE the power of ThE DARK SIDE!!!!" Darth Sidious said, Jumping back And using the force he grab Some ships And Spear to me , I elusive the Ships, Sidious Spear his Lightsaber to me, I block it, with my Lightsaber, "Wuahahahha, Kill him" Darth Sidious said Laughing and some Stormtrooper come and They Surrounded me. I keep my Lightsaber, I sit down..."Stop right there!"Stormtrooper said, I close my eyes, I concentrated a lot and .... the ships start to Tembler, "What?!"Stormtrooper said scared, I open my Eyes And with The Force I push Them ALL To the Ground.
I ran To my ship "D4-B4 go! Turn On The Ship!" I said Running, I enter to my ship and Go away "Strong Is, But defeat him, I must..." I said going into the Space.

~~~~~~~~~~Alderaan ~~~~~~~~~

I was with My ship flying around The city of Alderaan, I see places on fire,Apartments,Houses...deaths bodys, theirs is a War in there, I parked my ship in a safe zone, "D4-B4 stay here you must" I said getting down of the ship, "Bip" D4-B4 said.
I was walking with my stick ,by the city, and I see people shooting and running, scared, places on fire. I get closed to a kid, his Hasn't an eye on the Left side he was crying in the ground "Afraid you are, why?" I ask, the Kid look at me, "they kill my entire family...I'm Alone...I...I HATE THEM!" the kid said angry, "what's your name?" I ask, "Kane Ray, I'm 14 years old ...and you?" The kid ask, I look at him, "Master Yoda" I said leaving.

I keep walking, Until I hear someone fighting, I follow the noise. When I get there, I see Obi-Wan & Darth Vader, but Vader has an hostage, it was... The Step Mother of Leia Organa, Vader take her and put his Lightsaber in the neck of her, threatening Obi-Wan To surrender. I hide in a place that I could hear and see everything is happening, I can't fight...not yet, "Don't Do IT! Vader...she's Innocent, She don't have to die" Obi-Wan said with the Lightsaber On, The step mother of Leia was crying, "Then Surrender, OBI-WAN, and nothing will happen" Vader said, "What You want?" Obi-Wan ask, "I want My DAUGHTER, she's HERE, I can feel her" Vader said, Obi-Wan look straight at him "Why?...Why You want Her? To Be Your Padawan and Lead her to the DARK SIDE!, She's never gonna Turn to the Dark Side...Like you Did...Anakin Or I should call You...DARTH VADER" Obi-Wan said, "This Is what You get for not following Order" Vader said Cutting The head of the step mother of Leia "Ahhh" Leia's Step Mother scream Dying ,falling to the ground, Obi-Wan stay in shock after seeing of what Darth Vader is capable Of. Obi-Wan Run To him To kill Darth vader, In the battle they were colliding Lightsaber and Discussing "LOOK AROUND!LOOK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Obi-Wan Said angry, "This Is what YOU make me To do! Join Us And You will become MORE powerful Otherwise YOU Will DIE" Vader said, "I'm NEVER gonna turn to the Dark Side!" Obi-Wan Said, he almost kill Darth Vader but Stormtrooper come Around Obi-Wan, He can't Do more Than what He did.

I must Help Him Now...

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