Chapter One-The TVA

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Evelyn quickly blinked away her tears to see the floor clearly.

The TVA?

"What...what is this place?" she whispered, but doesn't receive an answer, not like she really expected one, though. She looks around the room she's being pulled into; it's a fancy, state of the art lobby area, with a man sitting at the front desk.

"Why did you bring me here?" Her next question is a little louder this time, hoping to actually receive some form of information, even the smallest bit. "Please...I just want to know..."

The woman guiding her must have taken pity on her, because she finally granted her an answer. "Because, Variant, you've slipped out of your place on the timeline." Nonetheless, it was too vague of an answer to satisfy Evelyn's large bout of inquiries.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

The woman just lets out a dry chuckle and grabs Evelyn's left hand, tearing away the time ring she'd crafted.

"Log this as evidence," she said as she dragged the Vanir woman to the front desk, where the same guy sat, listening to the instructions given.

"Hey," he said as he looked up at Evelyn. "Are you crying?"

"Huh?" She hadn't noticed, but tears were falling from her face again. In return, she only gave him a little shrug.

"I'm Casey," he introduces himself with a friendly smile, giving her a bit of comfort. "You probably won't remember in a little while, though."

"I'm sure I will," she said softly. "I have a decent memory. I'm Evelyn, by the way."

"I know, I've seen a lot of you come in before," Casey says, which causes Evelyn's brows to push together in confusion. "Hey, do you wanna name this?"

Her eyes scan the ring as he holds it up for her to see. " it a Time Ring."

"Time Ring," he repeated, nodding. "Got it."

"Alright, no more chit-chat," the woman holding Evelyn interrupted, before pulling her away from the front desk and towards an elevator.

"What is this place, even?" Evelyn asked again as she was pushed inside. "Some sort of office?"

"Like I said, you'll find out soon enough."

And that was the only reply she received as the elevator doors closed, leaving her in the darkness for a moment.

There was a sudden illumination from a light in the elevator's ceiling, and when she turned around to see where the light had come from, she ended up face to face with a weird looking machine on the wall.

"What the-" she stammered, backing away.

The machine makes a warbling sound, and amidst it, she catches the sound of a soft "hi," so she makes one back.

"...Hi," she waved at it slowly.

It then reaches out one of its arms to grab at her clothes, but she yelps and jumps backwards, her eyes widened with shock.

"No! Please, do not do that!"

The smile on the machine's face wavers, until one of its arms disappears and comes back out holding a laser.

"Hold very still," it instructs her, and without any further space to move away, the laser hits the top of her clothes before making a zigzag as it makes its way down, her clothes disintegrating in a matter of seconds, save for her undergarments.

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