Chapter Three- Evelyn

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"I haven't lost my touch on anything!" Loki continued to argue as he and Evelyn were being guided somewhere else by Mobius.

"Yeah, except on reality, maybe," Evelyn murmured, shaking her head as she was getting tired of the conversation. "I told you it wasn't a good idea, but do you listen to me? No."

"Well, don't take it to heart, darling. I don't listen to anyone."

"Will you two stop arguing?" Mobius hisses as he turns around, shutting the two of them up in an instant. He gives them a look and continues walking.

"Thought you didn't listen to anyone," came Evelyn's whisper.

Loki rolled his eyes and gently shoved her. "Hush."

When they stopped walking, they arrived at another room, some sort of office, she assumed.

"Okay, now thanks to you, I have to go and clear some things up," says Mobius. "So sit there and don't move, for the love of god."

"I don't see why I had to come with, I didn't even do anything," Evelyn sighed, plopping down on the bench against the wall with Loki in tow.

"Just stay."

When he turns to walk into a different room, Evelyn lets out a small sigh, letting her back rest against the wall as the two of them sit together in silence.

It's more peaceful than awkward, the soft ambiance of the ticking of a nonexistent clock filling the atmosphere, that is, until Loki breaks the silence.

"...That was a bad idea, wasn't it?"

While she didn't look at him, she did give him a response.

"Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to sugarcoat it for you?"

"So it was a bad idea."

"Yeah, Loki," she sighed, her head faintly hitting the wall as it tilted back. "And I told you that before you even tried. Now, thanks to you, Mobius has to go in there and kiss up to that weird lady, and guess what, if she deems you too unpredictable and sneaky, she'll kill you, and even more than that, she'll kill us both."

Loki winced at Evelyn's rant. He thought—genuinely thought—that he could've used whatever tricks he had up his sleeve to buy the two of them at least a little time, but from the looks and the sound of it, he seemed to have only made things worse.

"So you're upset, then?"

"I'm very upset!"

Her retort strikes another wave of silence over them like a plague. Loki chooses to simply sit back without saying another word to avoid upsetting her further, but as the pregnant pause continues, Evelyn starts to feel slightly guilty for snapping at him.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, pushing her back off the wall and sitting hunched over, her head in her hands. "I didn't mean it like that, not really. I just...sometimes, you have to learn to just...give up."

The man beside her tilts his head, looking at her confusedly. "You believe that?"

Evelyn lifts her head up, her lips parted as she finds the words to say.

"...Do you remember when my mother passed?"

Loki remembered. About what would've been 20 decades ago back on his timeline, Evelyn's mother had fallen extremely ill to some sort of unspecified disease, and it'd become so severe that not even the healers of Asgard could do anything to save her.

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