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Chaeyoung gently picked the sleepy raven up into her arms, trying not to wake her up as she stood up steadily. Slowly, she walked towards her Tesla, pressing the car door to open it. She carefully settled Jisoo down onto the passenger seat as she smiled at the raven's peacetul expression.

The raven let out a little whine when she felt herself being placed onto a seat. She was asleep, but the feeling of Chaeyoung's arms around her awoken her baby-like insticts, whining was just an example.

Hearing Jisoo's small whine, the blonde laughed as she sat on the driver's seat. She then leaned towards Jisoo and reached her hand over to the seatbelt, helping the sleepy woman fasten it.
Chaeyoung turned on her car and placed her hands onto the driving wheel, ready to drive. However, she stiffened when she felt a weight on her shoulder.

Glancing sideways, her shocked tace softened seeing Jisoo asleep, her head on her shoulder. Chaegoung slowly adjusted her arm, sitting straight so Jisoo could sleep more comfortably. She stroked her hair, before retuning her focus on driving.

With a gentle sound of the motor, the car sprung to life, and Chaeyong let ont a breath, then started driving them back home.

Home... it's a special word. A special word with a special meaning. To you, it might be your house, your bed, your anything. To chaeyoung, however... she used to think that home is where her house is. For the first time in her life, after feeling Jisoo sleeping on her shoulder, Chargoung realises that the meaning of 'home' is simple.

So simple.

To Chaeyoung, home is Jisoo. Jisoo is home. No matter where they were at, what they were doing... When she was with the tiny raven, she was home.


Turning off the car, Chaeyoung looked at her shonder nervously, but was relieved to see the raven still asleep in her shoulder. Carefully, Chaeyoung tried not to more too much as she reached over to unfasten the seatbelt. She then stood up and walked to Jisoo's side of the car, all while using her hand to secure her head. With one heave, the blonde had successfully eased Jisoo into her anns. Jisoo happily nuzzled her face into the crook of Chaeyoung's neck unconsciously. Her heart instantly warmed, Chaeyoung leaned back to properly look at Jisoo.

The raven had a small smile on her face.


Jisoo turned on the little nightlight beside her, letting out a little gasp when she saw that nearly nothing has changed in their old shared bedroom. Chaeyoung let out a little helpless smile behind, faintly smiling as she went to wash her hands.

Looking at herself at the bathroom mirror, Chaeyoung gulped, trying her best to fix her hair as she tried to calm herself— and her thumping heart down. Gosh, her ex-wife slash love of her life was right here, right in her bedroom, you can't blame her for panicking.

'Jesus, Roseanne, calm down. it's not like she likes you anymore.' Chaeyoung thought, trying not to let stupid and ridiculous hope appear in her mind. Checking her teeth again just to make sure it's clean, she stepped out of her bathroom.

Meanwhile, Jisoo sat on the bed that was the setting for a lot of memories of her and the blonde. Sighing, she ran a hand over the smooth fabric of the pillow. A warm smile crept into her heart as she caught sight of the bunny plushie, which was sat on her side of the bed. 

Jisoo blushed shyly, she—like Chaeyoung, had also been cuddling a plushie—hers was a chipmunk, resembling Chaeyoung—to sleep ever since the breakup. Caressing the bunny's head softly, she closed her eyes, smiling at the thought of the blonde cuddling the bunny to sleep.

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