Ty P.O.V
They ran faster as his feet picked up speed , the muscles in his calves flexed as his foot left the ground and flew through the Los Angeles streets . Jumping over a gate , he tried his hardest to ignore the red and blue flashing lights , coming from cop cars that were chasing him .
He kept focus , while running but tripped and fell when he made it to the back of an alley way . Trying to pick up his feet again , cop cars circled all around him . Stepping out of there cars with guns in there hands , they pointed the guns at them , and his face flushed with fear . He was starting to panic , and when you panic you freak out . He grabbed my hand.
Frozen in place , he put his hands up over his head and bit his bottom lip . " Get down on your knees and put your hands on the ground ! " the cops yelled at him , but no matter what he was to scared to move .
The last words she last told her man , flashed through his mind .. “I Love You. And I Will Always Ride For You…” I turned around pointing the gun when …. *BANG BANG BANG*