| Four.

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2 Weeks Later

I'm in the mall waiting for Keisha , bored out of my mind. I wanted to know what this big news is she was talking about when she texted me last night. I'm sitting by the fountain , scrolling through Instagram , when somebody hands me a Dunkin ice coffee.I get up and hug my girl , Kay. " Hey Tyann ", Kay says. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her, " that's what we do know call each other by our government names, Keisha? ", I joked. We both laughed then started walking toward Forever 21. I wasted no time to star pressing Kay about her ' news ' she had to tell me. I hope Rays not cheating... Again. She keeps stalling , " Do you like this shirt? " I rolled my eyes and said , " Tell me now or forever hold your piece ", and she finally spilled it, " I'm pregnant! ; but don't tell Ray... " Honestly I was shocked, after what happened last time with that last pregnancy I didn't think Kay would try to go through with it again... But I'm happy for her. " Wow! Congrats girl. ", we hugged.

We continued shoppig after that, me and Keisha met at a business thing with the guys, and we been cool for almost a year now. I bought a few new outfits and shoes, then we headed to get something to eat at Subway.

I ordered my sandwhich, Turkey, Lettuce, Mayo, Pickles, Sweet Peppers, and Jalepenos. I love it! Kay says its nasty but I can't get enough. Kay orders her sand which we pay then sit by the window and eat. We start talking about plans for the baby and names and stuff like that, I'm so excited for her!

| MoscatoQueen |

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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