Kay P.O.V.
I am Dominican Trinidadian Black && Puerto Rican , Im 19 Years Old And Im Engaged To Rayan .
I look at the box in my hand , and take a deep breath , drinking the last bottle of water we have , I take the test out and take it ... I wait 5 minutes and it beeps then the test read , "+ " Im pregnant ... I slide down the bathroom wall , and just sit there thinking for awhile , then I hear Ray yell upstairs , "Babyy Where Are You?*starts running upstairs*" I scramble around on the bathroom floor and shoved all the test into the cabinet beneath the sink. Then play everything off like I was brushing my teeth , I look at the clock , 8:32 a.m. , Ray bust in the bathroom breathing heavy , and said "Damn Kay ! You Scared Me !" I looked at him surprised and rinsed my mouth then said "Sorry Ray , I Didnt Hear You" He Hugged Me And Said , "It's Fine , You Okay ?" I said "I'm Fine Baby"
Ray's P.O.V
■8:22 a.m.■
[Text Message]
Unknown Number: Your Fiancé Is Beautiful ... *Attachment: Pic Of Kay* ... I Wonder How Beautiful She'll Be 6 ft Under .
Unknown Number: She'd Look Even More Beautiful ... Permanently Sleeping , In My Arms ... Ha Ha.
[End Of Text Messages]
I smashed my phone into the wall and ran got in my car and sped home. I get home and run into the house , "Kay ! Baby Where Are You ?" .... silence , "Keishaaaaa!" .... silence , "NO!" I run upstairs and bust into our room Kays nowhere to be found , I hear water running in the bathroom and I bust through the door breathing heavy , "Damn Kay ! You Scared Me !" Kay , "Im Sorry I Didnt Hear You" Me "Its Fine, You Okay ?" Her "Im Fine" I hugged her , and relief flooded my body , I rested my head ontop of hers and just held her , I cant keep this act up , my baby life at risk ... and I havent told Kay yet but , She's been acting weird and emotional .
The last time we had sex , The condom broke ... I didnt sweat it though because , I want Kay to have my babies , but I cant bring a child into my fucked up mess of a life .
CeCe P.O.V
I set up my Ak-63 on the roof of this building , I sat on the side of the walls edge and polished my focus eyepiece , Then I hook it up to my gun and wait , 3 black Mercedes role up in front of the parallel building and I smirked , I aimed my gun at Prod and focused it , I wanted him to know these were his last few breathes , I put my redlight on and aimed it at his forehead, he looked up and smirked back at me and I scuffed at him like "Wtf he smiling at ?" Next thing you know theres a sac put over my head and my arms are grasped behind me roughly and I let out a screech of pain through gritted teeth , I screamed "Let Me Go Bastard!" Ray responded , "All the pain will be gone in a ... WINK *he injected me with a animal tranquilizer*" I passed out , Everything went BLACK.