The Cat Came Back

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NOTE: This is just a blurb based on an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I was debating on whether or not to share this because I don't really plan on expanding on it. It's not a yandere story, but I could definitely put it in the "horror scenario" category.


It didn't take Josuke long to get to your house after you called him. You woke him up in the middle of an after school nap and told him to come over to your house. You didn't explain anything and just said that it was urgent. He was already worried about you because you hadn't been to school for two days, but hearing the dread in your voice had him panicking. Whatever was wrong with you was something serious and he could only hope that it was something that Crazy Diamond could fix. If not, then he would do whatever he needed to to help you. You were one of his dearest friends after all.

It was only a year ago since the incident with Kira and all the stuff that happened before that. He had never wanted you to be dragged into the madness of Stands and Stand users, but you got involved anyway when Kira targeted you specifically during that final battle. Josuke had no idea what you were doing there. You weren't a Stand user and you would have no way to defend yourself when things inevitably got crazy. You were supposed to be at home and away from all that mess, but you said that you heard the explosions and got worried. Leave it to you to be the only one that would run towards the sound of explosions instead of away from them (you dummy!). Unfortunately, in your haste to check on what was happening to your friends, you ran right into Yoshikage Kira.

Kira recognized you instantly as one of Josuke's friends and planned on using you as a hostage until he was able to flee the scene after the tides of battle had turned against him. There was no doubt that once he managed to escape them, he would kill you, a fact that he gleefully reminded Josuke of during the final showdown. If it hadn't been for Jotaro and Star Platinum's ability to stop time... well... it's not something Josuke wanted to think about.

Josuke finally reached your front door and rang the bell. Mere seconds after, the door opened and you stood there looking up at him with a haggard, haunted expression. He was shocked at your appearance. It looked like you hadn't slept in days. One look at you had him asking what seemed like a thousand questions at once.

"Oh my God! Are you okay? Are you sick? Is that why you weren't at school? Why didn't you call someone? You could've gotten Koichi or Yukako to take notes for you, you know? Where are your parents? Are you here by yourself? Who's taking care of you?"

You only answered one of his questions.

"My folks are out of town visiting relatives." you said, voice shaky with fatigue and anxiety. "Get in here. We gotta talk about something serious."

Before he could say anything else, you grabbed him by the collar of his uniform jacket and dragged him inside. You had him sit on the sofa in the living room. He waited there, impatient and anxious, as you nervously paced the room in front of him. After another minute of watching you imitate a caged big cat, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging like this!" he said, voice cracking as he tried to swallow down his building dread. "Just tell me what's wrong!"

You looked at him, eyes both tired and manic at the same time.

"I'm going to!" you snapped, emotions flaring. "I just... I'm just not sure how to even begin to explain this..."

You sighed deeply, trying to calm yourself enough to say what you needed to.

"I-I'll just start this off by saying that... well... I... I don't even know how this is possible now, but...It happened after school on Monday. I got home and..."

The Cat Came BackWhere stories live. Discover now