Ianthony - Losing bets can be fun

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The warm summer sun glared through the windows of the classroom. Jackets had long since been discarded and sweat was visible on every occupant of the room. A fan was blowing air only at the teacher, and she herself was complaining about the heat.

Anthony was sat with his head resting on the table sideways, so the he could look at Ian, who was busy drawing small ink faces on his exercise book. Feeling the teacher's eyes moving to him, Anthony looked up.

"Mr. Padilla, if you're finished looking at Mr. Hecox's face, I'd like it if you could give the answer to question C." A round of laughter quickly broke through the room. Anthony turned to Ian, who this time was writing on a piece of paper. looking back his teacher,Anthony sighed and went to find the correct page.

He hated maths. He hated numbers and stupid symbols that somehow managed to get the same name as the greatest food alive. The only thing about it was that he could mess around with Ian. They managed to sit next to each other, and much to the the teacher's dismay, had been told that could not move seats.

"I'm waiting Mr. Padilla," The teacher's nasal voice was persistent, so Anthony thought on the spot.

"ugh... I think- Maybe... 27?" The class began laughing loudly. The teacher shook her head and tutted.

"Mr. Padilla, we are doing angles." Anthony could of face palmed. "If you wish to watch Ian do his work then I can very easily give you both a detention." Ian paused writing and gave Anthony a glare.

"Sorry, Miss. Whyett," Anthony hated Miss. Whyett with a passion. She was annoying and always seemed to pick on Anthony and Ian for being together. Personally, Anthomy's thought it was because of her husband was cheating on her two months ago, and she's still broken up about it.

It have no excuse to be rude to them both, though. Miss. Whyett sighed and went back to writing on the board. Anthony put his head on desk and stayed there until he felt something nudge his cheek. It was a note. Anthony glance to the side, and saw Ian motioning for him to read it. Knowing it would be amusing, Anthony warned him self not to laugh. Anthony unfolded the wad of paper and began to read.

'If you get me into detention I will chop off your dick and feed it to a dog.'

Anthony grinned. Grabbing his pen, he began to write on the paper.

'But you love my dick, so you wouldn't.' Anthony tossed it back to Ian after making sure Miss. Whyett wasn't looking. Ian began writing back, and soon the wad of paper was back on his desk.

'Fine, if we get detention because of you, then you won't get any sex tonight.' Anthony groaned at the thought of no sex. It was a Friday, and Ian was staying at his house. He had already told Ian all of the thigs he was going to do to him that night.

'So what if you end up getting us in detention?' Anthony very carefully placed the note on the desk next to his; he was not going to waste a whole night of sexcapades because of some lousy bet. His mom was on a date that night, and wouldn't be home, so they could be as noisy as they wanted to.

He watched as Ian thought over everything.

The pen pressed down onto the paper slowly, and it was obvious Ian was thinking about every word he wrote. After what seemed like years Ian finally placed the paper down on the desk.

'If I get us into detention, Anthony, then I'm your bitch. For two weeks, I'm yours completely. Any time, any where, any way you want.' Anthony's mind went blank. He would have complete control over Ian for two weeks. His little bitch... No, not bitch; that word was too insulting for his Ian. He had to win. He had to make Ian keep to his word.

Anthony looked at Ian, who in turn was looking at him. Anthony smirked at his boyfriend and winked. Ian rolled his eyes. It was playful, but there was something in Ian's blue eyes that was new. It didn't seem bad, but it was forgein.

'Oh, it's on. I'm going to fuck you so hard you can't sit down.' Ian held back a grin.

If Ian was to be truthful, he wanted to be fucked senseless in any way possible. He had had sex with Anthony many times, but he needed to have it more than ever.

'Let's just see about that.' Ian slipped the paper onto Anthony's table, and went back to doodeling in his book.

Ian was waiting for science so he could get them into detention. Mr. Reed hated them both, so he knew that he'd be a good way to get detention.

"Hey, come on; time to deal with Mr. douche bag." Anthony at Ian's waist to get them moving. They were both in the corridor, and trying to get through a wave of people. It was just before the tardy bell when they got to the class room. Unfortunately, Mr. Reed was already there, and scolded them both.

"Come on, this isn't good enough; one minute before the tardy bell! Anthony, hands to yourself, no one wants to see you two loved up." Anthony would of made a remark back but he needed to win this bet. However, Ian did.

"No one wants to listen to your boring-ass lesson," Ian said, causing everyone to look at him. Mr. Reed was taken by suprise; Ian was the quieter of the two.

"What did you say, Ian Hecox?" Mr. Reeds voice was sharp, and his cheeks were flushing. He couldn't handle talking back.

"I said your lessons are boring." Anthony's arm left Ian's waist. What was Ian doing? Did he want to lose? Had he forgotten about the bet? He couldn't have; they were discussing it at lunch. Anthony held in a smirk.

"Ian, you have five seconds to apologize."

"Okay; I'm sorry you can't make a lesson good, I'm sorry your voice makes me want to kill myself. Oh, and I'm sorry I'm gay." With that Ian linked his arms around Anthony's shoulders and kissed him. Taken by suprise, Anthony's hands ended up on his hips to steady both of them.

Mr. Reed had turned completely red. How.dare they?

"Detention! Go outside now, the both of you! Now!" His voice was rough. The class had stayed silent, watching the scene. Ian and Anthony broke apart, And Anthony was grinning like a fool. Grabbing Ian's hand, they went outside the class room.

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