Day 1

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"I can't believe you did that." Anthony commented. Ian was sat across from him. It was five PM, and they had only got back from detention half an hour ago. They had it on Monday, also, and were banned from attending any science lessons for the next week.

"Your welcome," Ian laughed. Anthony looked down at his plate; He had already eaten his pizza, so he was waiting for Ian to finish before they went upstairs. Ian was being unusually slow, and Anthony just wanted to have sex. He almost groaned in annoyance when Ian peeled off the cheese.

"Damn it Ian, eat faster." Anthony said. He meant it as a half joke but Ian nodded.

"Yes, Anthony, sorry." Anthony raised an eyebrow. what was wrong with Ian? He was about to ask when he remembered what Ian had said. 'I'm yours'. Anthony had full control over his boyfriend, and it didn't mean in just sex stuff.

Ian ate the pizza at his normal speed. He knew that Anthony would work it out.

"Good boy," Anthony remarked. Ian almost choked on his mouthful; he hadn't expected that. Still, it didn't mean he didn't like it. It didn't take long for Ian to finish his pizza, but as he swallowed his last bite, Anthony beckoned him over. Ian did so, smiling.

"We're going upstairs," Anthony told him, and pulled him self up. Ian was about to make for the stairs when he felt Anthony grab his arm.

"I want you to take off all your clothes and wait for me once your in my room. I need to get a few things." Ian nodded, holding back a delighted smile.

"Yes, Anthony."

Anthony grinned as he made his way upstairs. He couldn't wait to feel Ian's soft body writhing underneath him as he fucked his brains out.

Because of his mom liked to snoop around, Anthony had to keep lube in his old bag in the closet. He didn't mind too much, but he did want to get to Ian as soon as possible. Anthony opened his bedroom door and almost moaned at what he saw.

Ian was lying on his stomach with his legs wide apart. His fingers were just outside his ass, only nudging at the entrance.

"So hot," Anthony commented as he ripped off his own clothes.

"I try to please," Ian replied in a wavy voice. Anthony jumped onto bed, making Ian bounce slightly and his finger nudged against his ass deeper.

Usually, Anthony would foreplay, but he wanted sex. He needed to be inside his little Ian's ass.

"Move your hands," Anthony ordered. Ian did so, and instantly missed the feeling. The absence was soon forgotten though, as Anthony began to nibble and suck on his neck. Ian's breathe was shallow and moans were starting to errupt from him.

"Mine, only mine," Anthony whispered into Ian's ear as he pulled away for some air. A dark purple bruise was already forming on Ian's neck, and he knew he'd have to find a way to hide that later. But at the moment he was focused on Anthony's hand moving down, lightly running across his body, causing shivers to run down his spine. Anthony's hand ghosted over his penis.

"Please..." Ian's voice was high and quiet.

"What do you want Ian?" Anthony asked.

" Oh... I-I need you t-to touch me."

"Beg," Anthony ordered. Ian's mind stopped for a moment. He'd never been told to beg before. But he said he would do what ever Anthony wanted, be his bitch.

"Please, Ant... I-I need you to fuck me."

"Good boy." At that, Anthony grabbed Ian's sick and started rubbing it. Ian shuddered and moaned at the sensation. Anthony grinned as Ian clenched onto the sheets. Anthony used his spare hand to undo the lube, and gave it to Ian.

"Put it on my fingers," Ian complied, and squirted a small amount of lube onto his boyfriend's fingers. Anthony stopped rubbing Ian to focus on fingering him. Giving him a quick, hard kiss he took one of his fingers and put it inside Ian, moving it in and out. Ian moaned at the intrusion, but it didn't hurt. One finger didn't. After pumping his finger a few times Anthony added another one.

"Oh..." Ian breathed, his head resting on a pillow. Anthony scissored inside him, grinning at the heavy moans leaving his Ian's mouth. He kissed Ian quickly.

"You like that, don't you? You like my fingers preparing you for my dick." Ian moaned in response.

After deciding that Ian was prepared enough, Anthony Lined up his cock with Ian's tight entrance.

"Ready?" He asked after placing kisses on Ian's plump lips.

"Yes," Ian whispered, relaxing his muscles.

Anthony pushed himself inside Ian, moaning at the tightness surrounding him.

Ian yelped in pain.

"Oh, f-fuck... Ant, p-please start moving. Please!" Ian whimpered. Anthony moved up and down, his hand stroking Ian's dick. He placed small kisses over Ian's neck as he continued to thrust inside him. He loved the.feeling of Ian writhing with pleasure beneath him, and the sound of his hitched breathing and long moans.

"Oh... Ant, th- there! Oh, there Anthony!" Ian yelled as Anthony slammed against his prostate. He continued to do so with every thrust, trying to get faster each time.

"Jesus, I'm gonna cum..." Ian moaned, moving his ass upwards to create more friction.

"Me too..." Anthony replied, then kissing Ian on the lips. "Oh, You're so tight." Anthony said, slamming into his boyfriend as hard as he could.

"Anthony..." Ian whispered through loud moans.

"I'm gonna cum, ready?" Ian nodded. "Cum with me."

Anthony slammed into Ian one more to and they came together, Anthony filling up Ian, and Ian's hitting them both.

The two boys panted and grinned. Anthony swiped off some of Ian's cum that landed on his chest and put it in Ian's mouth.

"Lick it off." He ordered. Ian did so, his breathing coming heavily from his nose.

"I love you so much," Anthony said as he pulled himself out of Ian's ass.

"I love you too." Ian felt open after Anthony left inside of him. He moved so that he could put his head on Anthony's chest. Anthony wrapped his arm around Ian's waist to support him.

"That was great. I'm going to be paying for it tomorrow, though." Ian remarked as he snuggled down further on Anthony's chest.

"Its fine; we'll have a shower together." Anthony grinned at Ian and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I can't wait."

A/N: Ugh.... My first ever smut. Ever! Its the first I've written, and first I've published (no shit). Please comment to tell me if I got any of the sexy times wrong, or right. That is for reading this filth, BTW; I'm hoping it will be a book trilogy and be the fastest selling book ever! (Cookie for whomever understands what I was referencing... The answer will be that book next to your mom's and teacher's dildo.)

Love, Allie

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