Day 2

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"It's Saturday," Anthony said, stirring Ian.

"What?" He mumbled, burying his head into Anthony's chest.

"It's Saturday," Anthony repeated, smiling down at his boyfriend, who was squinting because of the summer sun was leaking through the half open blinds.

"I did not know that, thanks for telling me." Ian replied sarcastically, trying to snuggle back down.

His ass hurt and he could feel Anthony's dry cum inside him. He wanted to sleep and then have a shower.

"Don't be cheeky, Ian."Anthony told him. Ian looked at him quizzically. After a few moments of looking at each other Ian remembered his bet.

"Oh... sorry, Anthony." Ian said, getting back into his day-time head.

"God, I love you."

"I love you, too. Last night you said something about going in the shower. Shall we do that now?" Ian responded. Anthony tightened his grip around Ian's waist.

"Soon; I just want to lie with you for a minute." Ian rolled his eyes.

"That's cheesy," He said, but lifted his head up so that his and Anthony's lips could meet.

"And it's romantic and you love it." Anthony added on when their lips departed.

The water was warm and inviting; perfect for Ian. He needed the feeling of water cleaning him. He knew that with Anthony in the shower with him there would be more sex, and he couldn't wait. However, he didn't want to already feel open. He let the beat of the water make him sway, and he started humming. He had no idea what song it was, but Ian liked the tune. It sounded happy, and as if it wanted everyone else to be happy.

Anthony took off his clothes in the bedroom. He wanted to just go straight into the shower and hold Ian from behind. Luckily, his bedroom was next door to the bathroom, so there was no way he could get caught naked.

As he opened the door to the bathroom the sound of Ian humming hit him, and made him smile. His Ian was so perfect. Anthony shut the door after walking into the bathroom quietly.

Ian felt something enter the water. He stopped humming and smiled at his boyfriend.

"What song was you humming, beautiful?" Anthony asked, wrapping his arms around Ian's neck and swaying them more.

"I don't know. It sounds pretty nice though, doesn't it?" Anthony grinned and pressed himself up against Ian, earning a moan.

"Anything you do is nice." Anthony replied. Ian nodded, becoming aware of how hot it felt to have Anthony's dick pressed up against his ass. "The way you moan is delicious." With that Anthony thrusted up against Ian again, making another deeper moan leave his lips.

"oh, Ant-thony... god, do it again!" Ian moaned in a strangled voice.

"Hey, it's me who tells you what to do!" Anthony replied. "But, since you said it in that sexy voice, I'll give you a treat."

Ian gasped as Anthony turned him around and pushed him to the wall. Their lips connected, and Anthony moved his tongue so that it was exploring the insides his mouth.

Ian broke the kiss for air. He knew that he most probably looked flustered as fuck, but that's because he was. It was only Anthony who could do this to him, make him so in love and wanting it hurt.

"Make a choice, beautiful; more foreplay or do you want my cock slamming into you now?" Ian knew what he wanted. He wanted the latter.

"Fuck me, please. Fuck me until I can't walk." Ian said, adding a kiss to Anthony's neck.

"Of course I'll Fuck you now." At that Anthony pulled Ian's legs up so that they were wrapped around his waist. Ian sucked on Anthony's neck making the man moan.

"Do you need prep?" Anthony said after a moan. Ian stopped sucking.

"No; I'm fine." Anthony smirked.

"good, because I'm entering you now." With those words Anthony slammed his dick into Ian's ass.

"Fuck! Ow... j-jesus oh... nnnngghh..." Ian wailed. He wasn't expecting it that hard. Tears left his eyes. Anthony looked at him, guilt and concern in his eyes.

"Ian... Are you okay?" Anthony asked. Ian nodded.

"carry on l-like that and I'll b-be in a wheelchair. But I d-did say for you t-to fuck me until I-I can't walk." Ian joked, though tears were falling down his face. Anthony kissed them away, cursing himself.

"I love you, Ian. I'm gong to start thrusting again, but I promise not to do it hard." Ian nodded and relaxed as best he could. Anthony kissed him softly and thrusted in. Ian gasped and closed his eyes. Anthony was about to ask of he was okay when Ian's voice broke through the air.

"Move." Anthony did, and began to thrust in and out.

Ian soon forgot about the first thrust and was bucking upwards for more. His moans were loud and full of pleasure.

"Harder." He moaned into Anthony's ear. Anthony looked at him.

"you sure?"

"Please." Anthony kissed Ian quickly. He pulled out and slammed back in. Ian yelped but nodded. Anthony carried on doing this, relishing in Ian's moans.

"Ant... I... I'm gonna cum!" Anthony kissed Ian deeply.

"Me too," Anthony replied. Anthony thrust one more time and they both came, Anthony Inside Ian, and Ian's landed on both of them but was being washed away by the shower.

"I love you." Ian said, resting his head against Anthony's chest.

"I love you, too."

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