Day 3

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"I love you," Ian said into the phone.

'Love you too,' Anthony replied, his voice static through the phone.

"What time are you picking me up?"

"Ughh... Around seven? Yeah, seven sounds good. You better make sure you bring your phone this time; I'm not driving twenty minutes to drive straight back again." Anthony said through the phone.

"I promise." Ian replied. Anthony grinned.

"Good... And Ian?"


"Tonight I'm going to experiment with some things." Anthony said into the phone. Ian raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... Am I going to enjoy it?" He asked. Anthony laughed.

"You will... Actually, what have we never done that we can do right now?"

"Uhh... I don't know?"

"Pretend to be a sex line." Anthony ordered. Ian laughed uncertainly.


"You heard me; get on your bed, and pretend to be a sex line."

Ian smiled and did so.

"Hello," Ian said in a breathy voice, "My name is... Ugh... anal Ian; how may I help you?" Anthony laughed at Ian's name.

"Perfect. Just one question; what are you wearing?" He asked.

"What ever makes you want to cum in my ass." Ian moaned. He hoped that his mom couldn't hear him; It'd need lots of explaining. Anthony groaned at Ian's words. He could imagine feeling that warm flesh writhing underneath him as Anthony made love to him.

"I want you naked, on your stomach, legs spread."

Ian complied with Anthony's orders, and slowly began taking his top off. He kept moaning into the phone, whispering things like 'make me yours'. He lightly teased his fingers over his skin, making him groan. Ian's hand slowly went into his own pants and he squeezed his erection, gasping at the feeling of his cold hands against something so hot.

"Hey; Don't touch yourself until your pants are off." Ian whimpered and removed his pants and boxers.

"Good boy; Now get onto you stomach and suck your fingers." Anthony ordered, his hands in his pants. A deep moan left him as he heard Ian sick his fingers, making a popping sound as he removed them.

"Fuck yourself with your fingers. Imagine me with my big cock up your little ass, making you scream in pleasure." Anthony said into the phone, voice heavy with lust.

"Yes, sir." Ian whispered, and he two of his fingers into his ass. He whimpered at the feeling of forgein things inside him.

Anthony moaned as he heard the noises coming from Ian. It made him fill with a darker pride, knowing that he was making these noises leave him.

"I'm fucking you harder and harder, sucking your neck and rubbing your dick." Ian groaned as Anthony said these things through the phone, the words flying deeply into his ear.

Ian added another finger, gasping and stopping for a moment to get comfortable.

"Its fine; keep going." Anthony whispered. Ian moaned and mewled as he continued to fuck himself in the ass.

"I bet your so tight, and your little ass can't wait to have my big dick shoved inside you." Anthony said, a rough hint in his breath-filled voice. Ian moaned and could feel bolts of electricity go up his dick, indicating he was ready to cum.

"Ant- Anthony, please... I'm gonna..."

"Wait until I say so... Right, stroke your dick." Anthony said. Ian complied, still with another hand in his ass. He writhed wildly on his bed, trying to stop cumming.

He could hear Anthony, groaning heavily. His voice was deep, and it made Ian want to cum harder. He was certain that he couldn't carry on anymore when Anthony began speaking again.

"Cum, Ian. Say my name and cum for me, Imagining me biting your neck, making bruises that show you're mine." Ian didn't have to be told twice. He came, almost screaming Anthony's name. the cum was on his hand. He could hear Anthony cum, too. The two stayed on the phone silently for a couple of minutes. They were both breathing heavily. Ian broke the silence.

"Oh, god... That was hot." Ian whispered, making Anthony laugh.

"I'm turning into a dominant fuck." Anthony replied. Ian hummed in response.

"Yeah... But I like it. I feel as if I've got somebody taking care of me, protecting me." Ian blushed as he said this, grateful for it being a phone conversation.

"Is that so? Well then, I'm going to test you tomorrow." Ian almost moaned at the thought of being pushed to his limits. He could feel the domination glowering from Anthony.

"I can't wait."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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