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Mox ^

Also Dāndǐnghè Soar is their worlds version of China Eagle Soar is America and Baki Rawani Crane drown is Nigeria.

(Dāndǐnghè means Red Crowned Crane which is the national bird of China. Baki Rawani Crane is Hausan for Black Crowned Crane which is the national bird of Nigeria.)

Willow-fall is not based off of any real country but it is supposed to be in a place similar to south Africa.


Hello, I am Mox, a soul without kin, with naught but Marina to grace my days. Though scarce in her presence, she bestowed upon me the art of walking, the wisdom to discern poisonous berries, the skill to wield a blow dart with merciful intent, the ability to read and inscribe words, the knowledge to fasten a corset, and above all, the virtue of kindness. A year has passed since I last glimpsed Marina; a yearning for her has taken root within my solitary abode-a dim cavern, where my sole companions are a blanket, a meager collection of books, a small candelabra casting feeble light, a codex that cradles my innermost sentiments, a daguerreotype capturing Marina and me in infancy, a rush mat, and a modest assemblage of baskets and blow darts.

Upon my blanket, I recline, and with quill in hand, I etch these words into my codex: "I feel ungefræglice lonely. I yearn for Marina. Each day unfolds in monotony, every book upon my floor has been traversed, and solitude envelops me like a somber shroud."

Yet, amid the stillness of my abode, a sudden rustle permeates the tranquility. A grassen portal, my humble guardian, quivers with a presence beyond its verdant veil. Vigilant and armed with a blow dart, I approach, seeking the identity of the interloper. "Who lurks beyond?" I inquire, my voice resonating in the cavernous hollow.

"It is I, Marina," her voice resonates, and the grass wall yields to her rough pull.

"It is I, Marina," her voice resonates, and the grass wall yields to her rough pull

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Perplexed, I inquire, "What means this?"

"Thou shalt depart this cave and this woodland," she replies.

"Whither shall I journey?" I press.

"To Willow-fall," she discloses, "a realm in need of a heart as kind as thine own."

"Dost thou dwell there?" I inquire further.

"Nay, I am without a home, dear one. Willow-fall awaits thy benevolent presence," she avows.

With a heart heavy yet resolute, I acquiesce to Marina's guidance. "Shalt thou accompany me?" I seek reassurance, a plea born of the fear of venturing into the unknown without the solace of her familiar companionship.

Whispers of Willow-fall: Mox's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now